Extreme Your Ride - For a moving impressionSince 1984, our custom auto enthusiasts have brought out the best in customized and high-end transportation. Extreme AutoCare is constantly advancing the art of highlighting the details that makes your prize possession stand out.
In response to our customers’ demands, we have launched the ExtremeAutoCare.com website. Extreme AutoCare gives attention to selecting and creating car care products that provide sustainable, long-lasting finishes to your Car, Motorcycles, Boats, Planes, Jet, Yachts or toy of choice.Our auto care experts have been commissioned by numerous car shows and special events. Extreme AutoCare is the auto care expert of choice for Miami’s top rated NFL and NBA stars and it’s many social elite. Extreme AutoCare hosts and owns several of it's own award winning cars.Now the Best is here. You can preserve the integrity and value of the your cars personal beauty.Browse our Detailing Categories & Extreme Your Ride! real editor best profile tools real editor best profile tools
How I made my profile:
I used Dave & Jay's amazing myspace editor .