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Welcome To My Page

About Me

Hello everyone! My name is Don and I live in Wisconsin. I am 53, never married and have a physical disability which prohibits me from having a job. I try to communicate with people of all ages, particularly females. That's why you will find very few males on my page- only a few close friends or males who have female related pages will be acceptable on my page. I am only on here as a friend, not for networking or seeking a relationship. Just to have fun is what I'm looking for.I am 5"11", have brown hair and have a beard which I only have for the winter months because it gets cold in Wisconsin ;) For hobbies, they contain computer surfing, music and playing guitar. I believe in honesty on here, so what you see in my profile pic is me and no one else.Any ladies who are attractive and wish to add me as a friend I would gladly welcome your invitation. All colors are welcomed. I believe every one is beautiful. I'll try to improve this as time goes along, but for now- this is it lol. Thanks in advance to anyone who accepts me. I hope you're having a great time on Myspace :)Layout made by..

My Interests

Girls, music, guitar


I grew up in a country music loving family, so it's only natural that I would love it as well. Johnny Cash is probably my favorite singer of all time. Although I like country, I also like folk, pop and some early rock music too. The Beatles rock as my favorite group of all time


I rarely watch television anymore as I don't have a satellite dish or cable. When I can watch them, the sitcoms and the music programs from the '50's, 60's and 70's are my favorites to relax by.


Definitely my parents would have to come first. They're both passed away now and I miss them very much. They didn't have much financially, but they had many friends who admired them for who they were and I'm trying to keep on the tradition.For other heroes, almost anyone can be a hero to me. If a person makes mistakes and has the guts to start over, he (or she) is a hero to me.