Music, motorcycles, Italian culture and language, entrepreneurship, Boxers (dogs), guitar, human beatbox, stomping, helping.
A witch with a wardrobe.
Just about anything: Muse, Outkast, Annalisa Tornfelt, Kenny Muhammad, Michael Hedges, the Animators, Schrödinger's Cat, the Police, Primus, Stevie Wonder, the Kinks, Van Halen, Al Green, Marvin Gaye, Musiq, Eric Sermon, Debussy, Respighi, Ben Harper, Bobby McFerrin, Rahzel, Chris Whitley, Liz Pappademas, Tucker Livingston, the Scabs, Earth Wind & Fire...
American History X, Breath Control: The history of the Human Beatbox, Platoon, Friday, I'm Gonna Get you Sucka, 6th Sense, Jacob's Ladder, Forrest Gump, Resevoir Dogs, Raiders, the Incredibles, Casino Royale. Got any good suggestions?
Don't really watch much... TLC, Discovery, PBS, Simpsons, DVD extras... A friend of mine just got an HD TV and it's even higher definition than real life. Watch a show about the rain forest or bugs and you'll literally exclaim things like, "Holy CRAP! Look at the color!" for about the first 15 times you watch it.
The Warlord series (Cornwell), The Dogs of Babel, Carol K Anothny's Guide to the I Ching, The Four Agreements, Peir Paolo Pasolini, e e cummings, the Guide to Getting it On (really... read it!)
Strong Bad, the Juggernaut Bitch, and the person who invented pizza.