Hi, my name is Jasmine
and I'm a fuck up.
I came into this world on March 22, 1988; making me twenty years of age.
I can be very immature, but I know how far I can go without being annoying.
According to one of my aunts, I'm the Devil and I've been called "evil" more times than necessary although
I'm probably one of the nicest people you'll ever meet.
I have weird dreams, really weird dreams; my dreams are fucking insane.
I'm addicted to blue cotton candy.
Music is my life, and I literally can't go a day without it.
Green Day is my favorite band. Oh, how I love them.
I love to dance, especially to rock music.
I love to sing, though I should probably be banned to, since my voice sucks and all...
I love Dane Cook; he's a silly bitch.
I ♥ Ben Burnley, Dallas Green, and Pauly Shore's voices.
Say what you want about me, I don't give a shit.
I'm smarter than I let on, but that doesn't mean I act dumb, far from it.
The Price is Right is the best game show ever.
Very Bad Things has to be the craziest movie I have ever seen. No, scratch that, it's the craziest movie ever made.
I ♥ TV court shows, especially People's Court and Divorce Court.
I ♥ the movie, Donnie Darko
I'm a hopeless romantic; I'm in love with love.
I talk to myself on a regular basis, and not like thinking outloud; I have full-out conversations.
My dream car is a 1965 Ford Coupe Mustang
I recently became obsessed with Starbucks. Their Carmel Fraps and Morning Buns are to die for.
I desperately want to move back to shitty ass Pedro.
I love to sleep.
DDR is my idea of a workout.
I repeat myself all the time, just to make sure you hear what I say.
I get sidetracked a lot
I swear constantly, if that offends you, that's your problem.
I have a tendency to name inanimate objects. For example, my laptop's name is Joey; My cell phone is named Sid; I call my Zen, Trent; My camera is known as Lucas; my broken Dell DJ was once referred to as Lancelot; and my two wireless Guitars for Guitar Hero are affectionetely dubbed Reaper and Vader.
I don't use common sense most of the time.
I shake so much; I put a Chihuahua to shame.
I ♥ coloring in coloring books.
I'm very much a kid at heart.
I make a fool of myself on a daily basis.
I find the dumbest shit funny as hell.
I laugh at the most inappropriate things/times.
I'm easily amused.
I procrastinate A LOT.
I can be somewhat violent
I have a HORRIBLE memory.
I can't comfort people for shit. I never know what to say, and when I do actually say something, it feels like I'm being fake and insincere.
I'm not good at meeting new people. I usually just keep to myself in new situations.
I have two distinct personalities. One of my personalities is this angry, frustrated person who's fed up with what's happening in the world, while the other is this carefree, weird, sarcastic smartass who loves to joke around and make people laugh.
Usually, the sarcastic smartass is the one to show.
My friend, Vanessa thinks I might be bipolar.
I'm fucking paranoid. I'm so paranoid, that I dress in the dark because I think people can see me through my posters and mirrors, and I honestly think people are out to get me.
It's easier to talk to me in person than it is on the phone or online.
Actually... I hate talking on the phone, so much so that I hardly ever answer my cell phone or the house phone. People who know my number could attest to this.
Here's a quote from my buddy, Vanessa about me, "I don't understand why people don't like you. We have our different music tastes, but we still get along fine. You are the coolest, nicest, nicest, nicest person there is."
...and that's about it.
Oh, and P.S.
Don't add me if you're not going to talk to me.
I don't want any part of your stupid popularity contest.
AOL sn: extrovertedcynic
MSN sn: antisocial.extrovert
Yahoo sn: slipintothis_tragedy
myspace layouts for Get this layout for your myspace page.
you are Laura you like long walks in the rain and
being crazy you are down for whatever and often
times people think your weird you have a big
imagination and an even bigger heart! You
Are you a Laura or a Barbara?
brought to you by Quizilla
Which Breakfast Clubber Are You? Find out @ She's Crafty
Who's Your 80s Movie Icon Alter-Ego? Find out @ She's Crafty
Take the quiz: "Serial Killer Quiz"
Johnny the Homicidal Maniac
you kill assholes; lots of assholes! HOORAY for You!!!!..
How You Live Your Life
You seem to be straight forward, but you keep a lot inside.
You tend to avoid confrontation and stay away from sticky situations.
You tend to have one best friend you hang with, as opposed to many aquaintences.
You have one big dream in your life, and you never lose sight of it.
How Do You Live Your Life?
Another badass quiz from eSPIN-the-Bottle...
The eSPIN Personality Test
MY RESULT: Cucumber
You know - as in "cool as a cucumber." Because there's no cooler vegetable than you are.
You've got a great attitude going on - friendly, laid-back, open to new experiences. Anyone should want to hang out with you, and if they don't - well, that's their problem, not yours. Just let it roll off your back. We're pretty sure you do that anyway.
Don't be afraid to show a little attitude every once in a while - it's cool being cool, but it's also pretty nice to get your way and influence the people around you. A little bit. We wouldn't want you to lose your cucumber-ness.
Take This Quiz!
Cursor by www.Soup-Faerie.ComDane Cook- Vicious Circle(The B and E)
This is really cute, you should watch it.
"Let's get skanky!"
Charlie the Unicorn
Family Force 5- Drama Queen(live) (I love Nadaddy's and Phatty's dancing. They were awesome at Warped, and I met them!! Sadly though, I barely said a word because I'm chickenshit.)
Robot Chicken- Giraffe ..
Leave me a comment.
Good little minion...
It's alright to tell me what you think about me. I won't try to argue or hold it against you.