Domingo profile picture


Now that we're here, it's so far away and I feel like I can face the day. I can forgive, and im not

About Me

I'm back, living the life as a Marblehead townie and I wouldnt have it any other way. I have the best friends and family a man could ask for. Im a loyal, liberal, passionate, goofy, funny, serious, depressed, emotional, hard working, Hopeless Romantic.................. "A mi amada familia y amigos que han muerto, Vayan Con Dios"...

My Interests

Punk Rock, Live entertainment, sports, Sox, Patriots, Poker, Porn, Drinking beer with my friends...

I'd like to meet:

Tim Armstrong first and fucking foremost, Chuck Liddell, Jennifer Harmon, Phil Ivey, Gus Hansen, Mike Matusow, Johnny Cash, Jason Varitek, Jenna Jameson, Jesse Jane James Woods(again), Ben Affleck, The entire cast of OZ and people who live in Las Vegas,


Rancid, Darkbuster, Bouncing Souls, PUNK FUCKING ROCK!!! Classic Rock, any kind of rock...


Braveheart, Saving Private Ryan, Goodfellas, Mystic River, Full Metal Jacket, Black Hawk Down, Romper Stomper, American History X, Rounders, The Hard Way, John Q, Clockwork Orange, Higher Learning, The Last Castle, The Departed, Top Gun, Indiana Jones, Star Wars, Blood Diamond, Friday... many more...


Oz, Poker, PTI, Around the horn, ESPN, The Shield, Entourage.


Candide, Super System, Theory of Poker, Harrington on Hold em, Cujo, Night.


Dad, Mom, Bri, Christine, My dear friends, alive and dead... The only beat in my heart...