Core profile picture


I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

I don't really know. I'm fairly odd. Oh, and I just took down that silly profile pimper thingie. It just looked kinda dumb, and since I guess one's MySpace is now the universal first impression, I decided to go for underwhelming over stupid. I can work with underwhelming. Once people think you're stupid, it's all over. And all MySpace layouts look stupid -- even if you don't think your MySpace looks stupid, trust me, it does. So boring and generic it is!

My Interests

Music (obviously), shiny objects, historical things, how to live and survive in the UK with nothing but a backpack full of clothes and an alto sax, you know, the usual. Hmmm... I think sarcasm was mentioned somewhere earlier, that's a good one. I like reading, breathing, sleeping, eating, drinking (particularly Guinness -- yum!), and all those other vitals. I love to kick some ass at Monopoly, and to pretend that I know things I don't actually have the foggiest idea about, just so people will leave me alone. Some current TV, some old movies, and some light British comedy, and there you have me. Well, you don't HAVE me, but you know what I'm talking about. Hopefully.

I'd like to meet:

Interesting people. If you think you're interesting, then by all means, meet me. Why the hell not? People who can't distinguish between expertly executed sarcasm and poorly executed sincerity need not apply.


Too much to mention right now. I'll get back to it later, I'm sure, but watch this for now. It's music. Kinda.No, actually, that's TOTALLY music. It's also brilliant, and I pity the poor person who didn't notice that when Hugh goes, "No, it's too high! It's too high!" then 'changes keys' to make it lower, he's not actually changing the key at all, but rather, just lowering it an octave. Which he could have done without changing the piano part, which is what makes it funny. Except I just explained it, which makes it not funny at all. So ignore this crap, and just watch the damn movie.


Oh lord, lots of them. Documentaries, dramas, comedies, cartoons, good movies, bad movies, all sorts of movies. They are, in a nutshell, amazing. Movies that immediately come to mind: Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (the old one), Young Frankenstein (actually, any sort of Gene Wilder/Mel Brooks collaboration), any of the Hannibal movies ("Hannibal Rising," not so much, but it's still good) or basically anything with Anthony Hopkins in it, old-school Disney movies (I'm looking at you, Son of Flubber), most anything Peter Sellers was ever in (even the bad ones), The Big Lebowski (because the Dude abides), Buster Keaton silent films (Sherlock, Jr. = classic. Much better than Chaplin), westerns/war films made before 1989, most Steve McQueen flicks (especially the Cincinnati Kid and the Great Escape), James Bond movies (although Connery is the only Bond in my mind -- Timothy Dalton was a joke), musicals are a big one (Sound of Music, My Fair Lady, Guys and Dolls, up to and including Chicago), and on and on it goes. Basically anything that I can sit through for the duration without wanting to gouge my eyes out with a splintery Popsicle stick.


Yup, still watch 'House,' and whatever else I can try to catch. Some saint on YouTube updates new QI episodes (which, if you haven't seen, do see) and other things I can't otherwise watch in this sadly TV-deficient country. I don't even know when anything is on anymore -- why is it that the more channels you have, the less there is to watch? At least I have football to distract me until Christmas-ish.Here, watch some QI:


Lots of non-fiction (particularly historical or musical -- that's right, I read textbooks, too). Authors: Hemmingway (but only for his short stories that aren't supposed to make any sense, as opposed to his huge books that are just a letdown), Wodehouse, John Irving (sadly enough), Eliot, all those boring Greek poets and many others of their ilk. Basically, it doesn't matter who wrote it, as long as it entertains and/or enlightens me.


Whoever can get through life without ever having to work retail. No, wait, you're not my hero -- I hate you. You need to hope we never meet in a dark alley.(You can also look directly above you. Might give you a small clue. I'm just saying, if you want a real answer, you might have to read between the lines a little bit.)

My Blog

Five Things I Dig/Detest (December...something)

Wow. Who'd have thought that as soon as I stopped writing, people would stop reading? Sure, I had convinced myself that you all (1248 of you, as of this writing -- and yes, you're all separate people)...
Posted by Core on Sun, 09 Dec 2007 05:38:00 PST

Two words:

1) Go2) Ducks.Thank you. That is all.
Posted by Core on Sun, 04 Nov 2007 01:52:00 PST

Five Things I Love/Loathe (Nov. 1)

So, I'm up over 1,000 blog views, which would be really cool if I were convinced that those blog views were racked up by more than twelve people. But seriously, thanks for reading. Maybe if you see me...
Posted by Core on Fri, 02 Nov 2007 12:59:00 PST

This might be... of the funniest things I've ever seen. Mrs. Miller is a legend. Case closed. ...
Posted by Core on Mon, 29 Oct 2007 07:14:00 PST

Five Things I Heart/Hate (Oct. 25)

Hello, hello, people. I think this little personal rant might be a weekly thing. But I did get a little bit of concern from the reading several (to half-borrow a phrase) in regards to my use of the wo...
Posted by Core on Fri, 26 Oct 2007 09:34:00 PST

Five Things I Heart/Hate (this week)

And again, no one wants to comment. Now I'm just going to assume that Dave Camwell reads my blog eight times a day and the rest of the world ignores me. I think I stole this idea from someone, but wha...
Posted by Core on Fri, 19 Oct 2007 11:00:00 PST

Pointless Ranting: Monday, Oct. 15

"A wise man once said that life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans. That is, if you consider John Lennon a wise man. Some wouldn't -- personally, I feel that a wiser man would...
Posted by Core on Tue, 16 Oct 2007 07:56:00 PST

I got nothing.

Or, rather, I have nothing. Just another boring Sunday. Well, maybe a few things:1) Memo to all drivers everywhere: Thou shalt not do the following things when driving in fog:-Turn on your brights. Th...
Posted by Core on Mon, 15 Oct 2007 10:28:00 PST

I hate Facebook. Rant inside!

So, in case you missed the subject line, I hate Facebook. Well, the new Facebook. The old Facebook was kinda dumb, but a cool concept and a happy, smaller-focused alternative to MySpace. I mean, it wa...
Posted by Core on Fri, 12 Oct 2007 11:01:00 PST

Me! Long time, no talkie!

Well, since it's been a full summer since I did anything remotely close to productive in the bowels of blog-land, perhaps it's time for the people who actually care to be update in the life of me, and...
Posted by Core on Mon, 08 Oct 2007 12:33:00 PST