Dad, what is regret? Son, it's better to regret something you have done, rather than to regret something you have'nt done. And by the way, if you see your "mom" this weekend, be sure and tell her SATAN, SATAN, SATAN..........
Alot, Love them. Amelie, it makes me happy. Breaking the waves, it makes me sad. Fargo, it makes me laugh. Hotel Ruanda, it makes me angry. Everything by David Lynch, they make me freaked. Sin Sity, it is focking great..... I love horror movies too, the more horrifying the better..Like the Grudge, The shining, Funny ones like Braindead, Evil dead, The Man With The Xray Eyes. Influencial movies like Clockwork Orange and Blade Runner, Farenheit 451, Brasil and many more. Everything by woody allen, I understand him. Everything by cohen brothers, I understand them. American beauty, lost in transilation, Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, Mars attacks, Starship Tropers, I'm sorry. I have a super bad memorie soo I cant be arsed, but Just basically all good movies. Oh my god, I almost forgot, Kill Bill 1 and 2 there the best.
Lost, The Kingdom, Twin Peaks, Sopranos, Desperate Housewifes, Twilight Zone.....
I like them also. humm. exiting novels.
Antoine Svanur. Lucas Snær, Ãsgeir Június.