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I am here for Friends

About Me

I am an athlete, played college baseball & soccer.Now I play tournament softball where we travel all over the nation to play against the best teams.I spar full contact fighting(muy thai kickboxing, jui jitsu, judo and sambo). I love to dance but my girlfriend doesn't. I love to view art and wish I was talented enough to produce some but I'm not... I struggle with stick figures. I love creativity of any sort which leads to my biggun... personal confidence. I LOVE IT! I love sassy, athletic, sarcastic, whitty, funny people... I'm attracted to them. My girlfriend is all of that but she won't workout with me. I enjoy uniqueness, confidence and athletecism. I like punk mostly but listen to house, garage, techno, indy...pretty much anything but country. I love to learn... teach me something.

My Interests

Sports:MMA(full contact fighting) baseball (played in college), softball, soccer(played 1 year in Scotland), racquetball, basketball. Dancing, Massage, training, rollerblading, fine dining, cooking, reading & writing, coaching kids. Whatever my girl wants. My current girlfriend likes art shows, carshows and turntables so I've tried to take an interest in all of them and have. VERY EYE OPENING and I love her for that.

I'd like to meet:

The top 10 most successful business minds so I can take something from each of them.
Blue October - Hate Me (Artist Commentary)
Music Videos at


Depends on my mood. Cant seem to get into country but like anything else. Really enjoy live music. Flogging Molly, S.O.D, RJD2, Pigeon Johnny, Bad religion, Social Distortion, DRI, The Exploited, DMX, Eminem, JZ, Slipknot, Barry White, Enigma, Cake, System of a Down, S.O.D., Subhumans, The Vandals


Hard Candy, A few good men, Saving private Ryan, In the line of fire, Forrest Gump, The breakfast club...can't wait to see blades of glory.


Rob & Big, sports, Extreme home makeover, Pay Per View fights, Ultimate Fighter.., scrubs


Pelican Brief, Angels & Demons, Davinci Code, addiction. Favorite urls:, I read mens health more importantly...I read people!


Jackie Robinson, Bill Gates, Martin Luther King, ME!!!, my Uncle Ted, My brother Ryan...The US Military protecting our country and defending freedom... anyone who has ever overcome adversity to stay the course. The blind guy I saw crossing Watt n Fair Oaks today. That dudes the man n bigger than all of us together. He didn't need my help n I'm sorry I offered.

My Blog

Its 4:00 am...I cant stop thinking

  I know life will continuously throw obstacles at test you..test your character, judgment, strength, etc. I've always thought these tests not only make you stronger but allow you to gr...
Posted by Sean on Sat, 25 Aug 2007 04:00:00 PST

To get a leg up you must put your foot down

It feels good that everything is coming together so well. My life has taken a 180 degree turn for the better and I owe alot of that to my loved ones, friends, my higher power then myself. I'...
Posted by Sean on Tue, 14 Aug 2007 11:39:00 PST

alone with my thoughts inside my head

she makes me think about the stuff I don't behaviors that I turn the other cheek from. she makes me want to be a better man...practice on her??? she is too sweet. can I ever be who I see myse...
Posted by Sean on Thu, 28 Jun 2007 08:53:00 PST

lay to rest?

Joe's gone... went to his services and saw a lot of old friends that we've played ball with through the years. We shared the stories and had some laughs... some tears as well. I'm glad I had a chance ...
Posted by Sean on Wed, 20 Jun 2007 10:13:00 PST

one day at a time my ass

Since losing my buddy Joe - Joe I've had a rough couple days. I have felt for the first time in a long time... I don't know how to feel and most of the time when this happens I either workout, kick so...
Posted by Sean on Sat, 16 Jun 2007 03:13:00 PST

Rest easy Joe Joe!

Today I lost another friend to the disease of addiction. I met Joe 15 years ago through softball. We played on the same tournament team a few years and when we were on separate teams we alwa...
Posted by Sean on Fri, 15 Jun 2007 10:11:00 PST