I love spending time wtih my friends, just chillin, doin' w/e. I like to party, im a staunch defender of April 20th, anytime. :) I like to just drive around sometimes and rock out to all sorts of music in my car. Reading and video gamage make up a good portion of my "fun time."
I would definately like to make some new friends! Hit me up on AIM - One4buddhas
Pink Floyd, Rolling Stones, The Doors, AudioSlave, Dr. Dre., Snoop, Foo Fighters, Green Day, Metallica, Korn, Nirvana, No Dubt, Offspring, Pearl Jam, Led Zepplin, Smashing Pumkins, Kimbal Collins, Chemical Brothers, Oaky, Baby Anne, Aphrodite, Korn, System of a Down, Alice in Chains, Dieselboy, Rabbit in the Moon, Scott Henry, Sasha, Digweed, John Tab, Ak1200, Sandra Collins, Dara, Konversion ( havent heard that bish spin in a loooongtime!!) Too much music to name!
Lord of the Rings (all fuckin 3), Spider-Man 1 & 2, Go, Matrix (episode 1 rocked, the rest sucked!) Train Spotting, Kill Bill Vol 1 & 2, Aliens, Clerks, Mall Rats, TigerLand, Apocalipse Now, Full Metal Jacket, Evangelion ( -- a badass Anime ) Go, Apocalipse Now, 4 Brothers, Caddy Shack,
Harry Potter of course! Those magical books are AWSOME! (DAMN YOU SNAPE!) Im also an avid reader of Stephen King and Dean Koontz. The Dark Tower, The Stand, TommyKnockers, IT, Insomnia, I love their fictional horror/suspence type style. Tracey Hickman and Margret Weis - two great great fantacy novelists. Hitchhikers Guild to the Galaxy (was a sweet book BEFORE the movie!)
Nick G !