So many things pique my interest, and quite frankly i'm too much of a lazy ass to write them all. Suffice to say that my interests lean towards anything and everything aesthetic in life that leaves you the happiest camper on the planet just because you're alive and able to experience it all.
Laliberte. Alexander the Great. Khayman. Tarquin Blackwood. Oh, and I wanna meet the father of Inigo Montoya. That would be funny.
Music is my drug of choice. Totally guilt-free with an all-natural high. Nothing soothes the soul more than the melodic power of perfect riffs and lyrical sublimation. Some people i know don't listen to music, and although i'm a great believer of the 'to each their own' way of living, secretly, somewhere at the back of my head, i can't help but think, "why the f*ck not???" I sing to everything. Couldn't give a rat's ass if i sound like crap. Music can take you away to places you've never been and remind you that it's all worth the fight. It can fly you to the moon, take you on a boat on a river with tangerine trees and marmalade skies, to places where magic horses fly you to dixieland to see dixie chickens, tennessee lambs, and the proudest monkeys.
Top 2: American Beauty, Garden State. Third place is a tie between Closer and As Good As It Gets. Vying for fourth: Dazed and Confused, High Fidelity, and Meet Joe Black. Fifth place is a shitload of others, from Princess Bride and Mallrats to Great Expectations and Serendipity, not to mention Empire Records, Almost Famous, those wonderfully retarded comedies (i.e. Happy Gilmore, Old School, etc.), chick flicks, those awesome trilogies, and those fabulous 80's greats (Better Off Dead, Sixteen Candles, One of the Guys, The Goonies, St. Elmo's Fire, Breakfast Club...etc etc). God i love movies. i HATE horror flicks, i'm chicken shit and i'm not ashamed to admit it. However, i AM ashamed to admit that i loved A Walk to Remember. Crash was brilliant. The cinematography of Requiem For A Dream kicked ass. I loved the dialogue in The Departed. The Kill Bill volumes were really great films. Kung Pow is one of the funniest flicks ever made.
Jeopardy, HEROES, Top Gear, Entourage. Hidden Mickey, Grey's Anatomy, and House. I really loved the Care Bears and Transformers (not that Ultra Magnus or Rodimus Prime or Galvatron crap, i'm talking about the era of Soundwave and the Constructicons and Grimlock). Oh, and CNN World News. I like Max Foster. He can make bombs in Tyre sound like candy coated gumballs in a world of pure Israeli imagination.
I used to devour books. I want time back.
people who live their lives without ever selling out.