charls profile picture


WAAZZZAAAP!? i can’t explain myself.

About Me

through my life i’d give 4.9x10 to the 18th jules of energy if i wer a star.i just finished my demo"there forever changing"and am working on my next one yet to be named.please check out some of my art i have posted in my galery and more i hope to get posted starting a girl band called FATAL NATAL we hope to get some songs recorded to make a myspace 17 but i beleave age is of the mind..i know things others may not in there entire lives.i have but what iv created of myself and apreashate this greatly. i sk8,snow board,i injoy screaming,grosery cart racing,dancing,i like games but dispize mind games,i love sex and have a rather sick mind,i make things outa stuff(patches,multi meadia,stories).im prity much a vegin,i love tea,beer and tikiela,resiling,and philosifize things at realy sensitive to energy and i make hemp julery,im easly exepted as one of the guys and laydys love me.i dont believe there should be seporation between any humen being espeshily between sexes no matter what you say its prejudice.and i hate being realy fucking cold.i may be crazy but i wouldnt want to be sain and see life so ignorently as others do.......i know im not the only one with this twist of amajination....creative anuff to mesh this world into my own and be led by what comes and its what i know, nevor to forget for i couldnt evin if i tryd.dont indulg in reserch wich die with the workerI edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V4.4

My Interests


Member Since: 10/5/2005
Band Members: a consintrated colective of squirrels that i keep in my pants.
Influences: he to whom nature begins to reveal her open secret will feel an irresistible yearning for her most worthy interpreter, art.
Type of Label: None

My Blog

convo 1

then we understand to a mutual respect not only for humens but for everything else on earth isent so hard to ubtain,first start with yourself and work onto others for its only hard if one dos...
Posted by charls on Mon, 13 Aug 2007 03:54:00 PST

a dore

sitting at the kitchen table thinking words i said a tunen on playback don't fret my dear a sound of ringing far away yet to near the stars behind the skies painted in those eyes o but i know in that...
Posted by charls on Thu, 21 Jun 2007 09:05:00 PST


love is alot of things but none of wich are feer or jelisyto love is to take joy in the loved ones happyness and to partake in this happyness isent nesiserly manditory.if said once it is for life in a...
Posted by charls on Fri, 08 Jun 2007 01:38:00 PST