Hey there, we are Fraction Kids. If it..s your first time on our page thanks for finding us and hope you like our band and if you have been here before thanks for coming back to check us out friend.
We (Conor,Anto,Damien) formed in January 2008 as a three piece rock/pop energetic band. In our short existence we have written a debut albums worth of original material which we are currently tightening up for our live shows planned for March 2008 and shortly afterwards we will be recording our debut ep. We recently recorded three of our songs acoustic with our good friend Darragh J. Glennon of Triega which can be heard currently on our page. We have a busy year planned ahead so make sure to check back for updates and tell all your friends!a href="http://s264.photobucket.com/albums/ii171/fractionkidco
nor/?action=view¤t=pantibarposter.jpg" target="_blank">