Cherie Carlson profile picture

Cherie Carlson


About Me

Ok so I will make this short and sweet. I give thanks to the LORD every day for the blessings in my life. A little bit about myself...... Italian from Jersey. Surprise surprise. currently in Los Angeles I am a model/photographer. A SLASH. Ya I said it. Just like every other person here in LA. Going through the motions until I decide where I ultimately would like to move. (DEF NOT LA). Until then I completely content and drama free living with my doggie NOODLE MAN. As far as my photography, it is my passion my gift my love. I can get lost for hours with my camera in my hands. What do I shoot? Id like to think I shoot beautiful things. Everytime I blink I see another photo that I want to capture.I love my family my friends and Jesus Christ.I edited my profile at Free Christian MySpace Layouts , check out these Christian Myspace Layouts!

My Interests

My Miniture Pinscher, (NOODLES). Baby pugs, PINK, M.A.C. makeup, Juicy Couture, Trance music, Vodka Tonics, Coronas, Photography, The mind, Working out, Peanut butter frozen yogurt, Depechmode, Passion, and passionate people. Crazy nights out with my friends being silly, drunken nights, Candles, Tequila LOL oh Tequila..... Spending time with my neices and nephews the cutest kids in the world. Finding some type of connection with each person that I meet. LIFE

I'd like to meet:

I would like to meet positive people. People who have the same beliefs as I do....hopefully some new CHRISTIAN friends. People who can teach me something new. Im always willing to learn if youve got something to teach. Compassionate people and people with passion. (however I tend to be surrounded by crazies. Positive attracts positive. Smile lighten up a bit kids. EAT ICE CREAM its OK.... mmmm Ice cream lol




What dreams may come, Pretty woman, The Princess Bride, Zoolander, Clueless, The story of us, All dogs go to heaven, Ferris Buellers Day off, Dirty Dancing, Cant buy me love, The Breakfast Club, and Groundhog day. But do you really care lol?


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the bible



My Blog

UFC 83 in OHIO

Alrighty kids. Miki Black and I are in Columbus Ohio for the UFC 83 with Gorilla TV. Hellllll yaaaa. Its freezing cold but we are very excited. 8th row close enough to get hit with blood. But fo...
Posted by Cherie Carlson on Sat, 01 Mar 2008 08:42:00 PST


I will be shooting for PLAYBOY TV today for a new show. No, I will not be getting naked or even remotely close to it. I will be shooting stills of the Playmates and the dates that they go on. Ive b...
Posted by Cherie Carlson on Thu, 28 Feb 2008 09:14:00 PST


Ok kiddies. I am working on a super hot project that I am super excited about. It is going to be huge. I will be on maxim radio FEB 27th talking about it. The final product is a secret however it ...
Posted by Cherie Carlson on Fri, 25 Jan 2008 01:33:00 PST


  Found in one of my old notebooks:Note to self.You are always at the beginning or between the middle and the end of your travels. Each day a step down an uncertain road that may lead anywhere. ...
Posted by Cherie Carlson on Fri, 28 Sep 2007 08:51:00 PST