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ABOUT ME told by other people:
Belle is my best friend. This girl is 100% more amazing than i could ever even hope
to be, and i thank my lucky stars that she's in my life, because its not everyday that you
find a fellow hippie friend, who's also wicked fucking bangin'! She is the most beautiful
person on AND off myspace.
-Jodi Lee
Belle makes me fucking sick to my stomach. Every time I think of her I puke.
-Alison Miller
Belle is the kinkiest motha I've eva had in my motha's bed with my motha.
-Gillian White
Belle abbreviates the whole english language, and half the time even she has no
idea what she's saying. She's nice, and has the best smile. When she's complimented she denies it, and does this weird squeaky thing, which is the cutest thing ever. I never know what to expect from her.
-Stacey Lourenco
Belle is the bombest shit ever.
-Tyler Drake
Belle may be all about peace and love, but give her a cucumber and some
purple glitter, and she's a foe. She's a singer and a dancer, and could probably make a
small fortune as a street performer. And, oh yeah, she's my biff =].
-Zarah Sikora
Belle and I have a lot in common, most notably the fact that we have both been
in her mother's vagina at least once in our lives, whether
it be during birth, or a late night booty call during those moist summer nights.
-Christopher Bernabeo
Belle is on her knees under my computer desk right now.
-Kelsie Callahan
Belle is a crazy jewish hippy with an attitude.
-Andrew Coffey
Belle is a fucking RIOT.
-Allie Celia
Belle is the one person i could never get bored with. She always takes my glasses and wears them. I know she loves them though, so it doesn't bother me too much. Plus, they look better on her anyways.
-Matt Johnson
Belle is a fabulous girl, she makes people laugh, and makes them feel great even at
the tough moments.
-Eddie Calley
Belle is the blackest white bitch around and you cant skool her.
-Jeff Scozzari
Belle is incredible at peer pressure. She could pretty much make me do anything.
-Amber Anderson
Belle is someone who cares about the quality of her chink food.
-David McKinney
Belle is a lesbian.
-Christopher Gorman
Belle has the coolest tshirts.
-Tyler Davis
Belle is secretly a gnome from the planet alpha 7, who loves chocolate pudding, and playing with pasta salad. She also is extremely jewish, but in a good way. And i love her.
-Seth Hapenny
Belle is one of the people i am most jealous of. she always gets what she wants,
and she never acts guilty about what she likes, even if its really lame. If there was a
smiley for jealousy,
it would be inserted here.
-Ali Harvey
Belle is...jewish.
-Bryanna Clancy
Isabelle Rose is my little curly-haired princess who stole my heart and now I love her for it.
-Craig Scully
Type your comment here, like, durrr. ♥♥