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About Me

View my page on Contortionists Unite!
My family call me Laura, my friends call me Ruth and my teachers call me Bendy. I like eating leftover takeaways at 2am, science fantasy, shiny things, meddling in people's lives and leaving the best till last. I don't like snakes, garlic sausage, the "B" word and being called "skinny"- Blondie calls me that but that's OK cos I'm still shagging his girlfriend (barracuda!). I love The Crew and my feline posse... and my family's pretty cool too! I am so sick of being 17 and I want to be 18 so I can go clubbing, stupid gay clubs being strict on ID I HATE THEM!!! Anyway... this is my MySpace so enjoy!
How to make a BendyGrrrl
3 parts competetiveness
5 parts crazyiness
1 part beauty
Stir together in a glass tumbler with a salted rim. Add lustfulness to taste! Do not overindulge!

Personality cocktail

My Interests

Reading, writing, watching films, sleeping in odd places with odder people, doing things I shouldn't be, going on Guild Wars, eating, acting, bending, singing (loudly but alas not very tunefully), musing, partying, making up new and exciting words.

I'd like to meet:

Some say he is the only person in the world who can move fast enough to beat Chuck Norris, and that if he could be bothered, he could crack the Da Vinci code in 43 seconds... Some say he isn't machine washable, and all his potted plants are called Steve... Some say that he sucks the moisture from ducks, and that if you give him a really important job to do, he'll skive off and play croquet. All we know is... oh, you know who I'm talking about!


80s electro; jazz and blues; old rock (not the shit you get nowadays, I'm talking Aerosmith, Bon Jovi, Metallica, Iron Maiden, all the stuff my parents listen to); upbeat stuff (Mika, Scissor Sisters, Gwen Stefani, Madonna- look, I don't mock YOUR musical tastes, do I?); The Beautiful South- in a class all their own.


There are so many! But mostly I like proper Brit films (like 'Shaun Of The Dead'), comic book movies, surreal and violent tripfests ('Kill Bill', 'Sweeney Todd' and 'A Clockwork Orange'), fun musicals ('Moulin Rouge' and 'Cabaret!') and films that are totally hilarious and unique ('Dogma', 'Smokey And The Bandit', 'Naked Gun') Oh, and 'Juno' was amazing.


'Top Gear', 'NCIS', 'Due South', 'Whose Line Is It Anyway?', 'Red Dwarf', 'Scrubs' and 'House'. And ya gotta love 'Space Pirates'. Everybody: NA-NA-NA-NA-NA...!


'A Clockwork Orange' was cool, as are the 'Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy' books and the 'Discworld' series... Anything by Neil Gaiman or Jeremy Clarkson... and I just finished 'Dracula'- pay no heed to silly Lizzie it's an awesome book!


And here we are, going for the "Most Times Neil Gaiman's Name Is Mentioned On A Single MySpace Page"... Neil Gaiman! Because every time I read one of his books I then write solidly for about 8 hours or so.

My Blog

The Council Of Sexualpantsorama

After hearing of the Council Of Awesome (for further details, click here) and questioning why there are no female members, the ambiguous and mysterious entity known as Lady R. von Ocelot fou...
Posted by Laura-Ruth on Wed, 02 Apr 2008 03:38:00 PST

Ponced this off Neal... fill it in if you’re bored and love me lol!

1. Have we kissed?:2. Do you want to?:3. What would you like our relationship to be?:4. Have we dated?:5. Did you like it?:6. Do you want to date?:7. Are we close friends?:8. Would you be here if I ne...
Posted by Laura-Ruth on Sun, 30 Mar 2008 02:05:00 PST

GEEKSPOTTING: A Beginners Guide

AppearanceThe Geek is a complex creature, and appears to have two bodies: the "reality" and the "avatar".  Signs to look for in the "reality" include:-   Unkempt hair and clothes, as Ge...
Posted by Laura-Ruth on Fri, 22 Feb 2008 03:13:00 PST