Hardcore, Straight Edge, Veganismo, Reason, Identidad, Amigos.
Minor Threat, Youth Of Today, 7 Seconds, Chain Of Strenght, Gorilla Biscuits, Judge, Uniform Choice, Battery, In My Eyes, Better Than A Thousand, Confort Supremo, Mouthpiece, Ten Yard Fight, Pointing Finger, The First Step, Champion, True Colors, Vieja Escuela, Disturbio Menor, Silencio Absoluto, Bold, Project X, Verse, Strife, Have Heart, Sudarshana, Fuerza De Voluntad, Ignite, Up Front, Shelter, Insted, Lifetime, Reason.
Star Wars, Earthlings, American Hardcore.
The Simpsons, Malcolm In The Middle.
"El anarquismo" de Daniel Güérin, , "Dios y el estado" de Mikhael Bakunin , "Manifiesto Comunista Libertario" de George Fontenis, "Las venas abiertas de América Latina" de Eduardo Galeano, "Animal Liberation" de Peter Singer.
"Los que lucha por la liberación humana y animal".