Josh profile picture


What would Barack do????

About Me

I am a bleeding heart liberal.
I believe that doing onto others as you would have them do unto you applies not just telling them to go to church but also in the tax code.
I already have my future babbies momma.
I don't have any current babbies momma.
I am my fathers son.
I don't know what that means, but it sounds cool.
I am a pansy when it comes to scary movies.
I am a deeply flawed individual.
I hide it well.
I think I am always right.
I normally am.
I think people who drive slower than the flow of traffic should have thier liscence taken away from them.
I think it would make a lot more sense to lock people up indefinately at a cost of about $300,000 per person than charge people with the death penalty only to have them die in jail 30 years later while costing about $2.5 million to house them and pay for court costs.
I know what Bo Jackson knew.
I know that my marraige will be less fullfilling now that gay people can marry in New England
I am your knight in shining armour.
I wasn't talking to you.
I have a strong dislike of elephants.
Stephen Colbert is god.
While we are on our little break from "I" sentances: Briefs Blue 78 Ginger skim milk Pepsi less filling and boobs
I am lost without my TIVO.
I know all kinds of useless information
I am what Willis was talking about
I don't trust other people with money.
I think investing in wind energy and wireless USB would be the best place to put your money right now.
I can't wait to have my simple kind of life

My Interests

YOU!!!! Politics, Fitness, Suntanning, Sports (specifically college football), my Tivo, Medicine, and tons of other stuff.

I'd like to meet:

I'd like to meet any fun people in Phoenix or New York.
Myspace Countdown or Myspace Layouts


I go all over the map on my music tastes. My favorite right now is Hope . I also LOVE 80's glam rock and roll. Every monday I try and convince someone to go with me to see METALSKOOL!!!! , an 80's glam rock cover band where all of the famous people show up. LAst time I went, not only did Tommy Lee come on stage and play the drums while Pam Anderson was dancing on a pole, but Kevin Federline was there. On his new song he has a line in his new song about the "Pavarotti chasing after him." I wonder what he did to piss off the three tenors. I also lately have been rocking out to ABBA, ever since seeing the musical Mamma Mia over christmas. I also am a fan of R and B, Country, Hip hop, etc, etc, etc.


Movies I want to see


Can I just say if you don't have Tivo or a similar DVR, you need to work on becoming a cooler person. I can't even watch normal TV anymore because of how much I have been spoiled. As for what I watch, NBC News, CNN, MSNBC, Daily Show, Colbert Report, Dave Chappelle (Come back Dave!!!), 24, Scrubs, Lost, Nip/Tuck, Everybody Hates Chris, My Name is Earl, The Office, Joey, Invasion, Surface, The Boondocks, Face the Nation, Meet the Press, College Football, and College Basketball. Damn, I watch a TON of TV.


The Da Vinci Code, Angels and Deamons, 1776, and I have no idea what else. I'm learning Spanish with high school books....


My hero is not the man in the picture, but the men in the picture who made the ultimate sacrifice for the man in the pictures lies.

My Blog

Please vote for my (girlfriend’s) friend

My girlfriend's friend has entered a photography contest. If she gets the most votes then she wins a photoshoot. Not only is she Katrina's friend, but she's also the prettiest (and she's a lot of fun)...
Posted by Josh on Mon, 03 Mar 2008 10:15:00 PST

New Hampshire prediction blog

I was off in Iowa a little bit because I expected someone other than the top three to get sooommmmeeee votes, but I guess I was wrong. Here are my predictions for NH:Obama, 40, Clinton 28, Edwards 26...
Posted by Josh on Tue, 08 Jan 2008 06:31:00 PST

My Predictions for tomorrow

I think Barack Obama will win.  I love this guy..... My official prediction for tomorrow. Barack Obama, 35%. Hilary Clinton 28%. Joshn Edwards 25%. All others, 12% total.For Republic...
Posted by Josh on Thu, 03 Jan 2008 08:35:00 PST

My Perfect Woman

One of my best friends from college is one of the funnest, and I mean this not in a gay way, but attractive guys I know.  But he has never had a relationship over 2 weeks, mostly because he can n...
Posted by Josh on Sat, 27 Oct 2007 12:12:00 PST

Justice, delayed........

Or in other words, Fuck OJ!!!!!Back in 1994 it was a strang time for me.  I had just realized about 2 years before that I wasn't cool and what I needed to do to become one of the "cool" people.&n...
Posted by Josh on Mon, 17 Sep 2007 12:39:00 PST

How much time should she get????

I actually was watching the Republic debate this morning and Guiliani was talking about how Abortion should is a decision that should be left up to a woman and her doctor.  Every other person on ...
Posted by Josh on Mon, 06 Aug 2007 06:39:00 PST

Free at last....

37 days, 35 spent in the hospital, and average of 13.5 hours per day, 500 total hours, and I have just finished the hardest "month" in my life.  I will never have to work this hard again in my li...
Posted by Josh on Wed, 01 Aug 2007 08:32:00 PST

Josh the Intern

Alright, I figured I would give an update on my life since I have gotten a bunch of questions about it and no time to answer them. I've finished 10 days of internship so far.  I actually decided...
Posted by Josh on Wed, 04 Jul 2007 08:26:00 PST

Leaving Southern California...

So in about 2 hours I will be leaving Southern California for at least 5 years.  I'm kind of sad about it.  My mom keeps telling me "don't go" kiddingly.  Unfortunately, if I want to be...
Posted by Josh on Wed, 13 Jun 2007 05:12:00 PST

The real reason for Memorial Day

3455 American soldiers dead. 24,314 wounded, some never to walk or feed tehmselves ever again. Are we safer yet???Fallen Comrade Add to My Profile | More VideosSupport our troops. Bri...
Posted by Josh on Mon, 28 May 2007 02:26:00 PST