Dreadmoon profile picture


Blood&Honour, Strength&Pride, Victory or Valhalla

About Me

readmoon was founded by Dax, Vitzel of Finsternis (no longer), Cody (lead guitar). Members varied throughout the years for the positions of drum and bass. Dreadmoon was inspired by and formed during the early 90’s blackmetal movement. The flames of the Norwegian churches reached as far into the skies for Texas to see them. We were the 3rd known blackmetal band and the 1st NSBM band in the US. Our shows are too many and numerous for us to list. We shall, however, give some highlights: the infamous bloodbath show of Waco and November to Dismember of 1999. We were scheduled to play the Nordic Fest in Kentucky, but due to band complications, we were unable to attend.
We were 1st signed to Warhammer Records, but released due to political differences. During that time we put out a split with Vagrant the Noachian . Potentially signed to Stellar Winter and currently signed to Desastrious Records. We put out a split with Xenophobia , Werhammer and have one coming out in 2008 . We did a song on a Mayhem tribute and a limited Burzum tribute. Dax was deeply in league with the NS and WP movement. He conducted a four page interview in issue 17 of Resistance Magazine creating a stepping stone towards uniting the various genres of NS music.
Dreadmoon not only achieved recognition from the US and International blackmetal scene, but also from the federal government. Dreadmoon was officially posted as of the most “dangerous” NS related bands to watch out for in the Morris Dees Southern Poverty Law Center Report.
In the early 2000’s, Dreadmoon disbanded due to personal and political strife within the project. Dax left to his other homeland, Finland, in 2005 where he joined the Finnish military. Now, Dreadmoon is once again creating extremely brutal, unrelenting, anti Judeo-Christian NSBM. Be prepared for future releases and shows!

My Interests


Member Since: 1/15/2008
Band Website: Desastrious Records: desastrious.com/
Band Members:
(vocals and guitar)
Influences: The dismal, freezing, unforgiving landscapes of our Nordic homelands. Our proud and ancient Norse Aryan lineage and history. The battles our forefathers waged against inferior tribes and races and the blood that was spilt on their behalf honouring the glorious halls of our gods. Those who dwell eternally within the golden halls of Valhalla. May the weakness and enslavement of the Judeo-Christian hordes fall by steel and fire, freeing our people until the days of fire and blood, the days of Ragnarök. We give a mighty heil to the following bands: Graveland, Burzum, Veles, Thor’s Hammer, Nargaroth, Gontyna Kry, Satanic Warmaster, Horna, Clandestine Blaze, Kataxu, Korpiklaani, Judas Iscariot, Isengard, Beherit, Mistreat, Landser. We support the original essence of early blackmetal combined with the truest sense of the Aryan superman; NSBM.

Dreadmoon is a proud supporter and patriotic sponsor of the Vinland Liberation Front

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All Artwork, including logo, designed and created by eLizabeth and Dreadmoon

Record Label: Desastrious Records
Type of Label: Indie