Member Since: 1/15/2008
Band Website: Desastrious Records:
Band Members:
(vocals and guitar)
Influences: The dismal, freezing, unforgiving landscapes of our Nordic homelands. Our proud and ancient Norse Aryan lineage and history. The battles our forefathers waged against inferior tribes and races and the blood that was spilt on their behalf honouring the glorious halls of our gods. Those who dwell eternally within the golden halls of Valhalla. May the weakness and enslavement of the Judeo-Christian hordes fall by steel and fire, freeing our people until the days of fire and blood, the days of Ragnarök. We give a mighty heil to the following bands: Graveland, Burzum, Veles, Thor’s Hammer, Nargaroth, Gontyna Kry, Satanic Warmaster, Horna, Clandestine Blaze, Kataxu, Korpiklaani, Judas Iscariot, Isengard, Beherit, Mistreat, Landser. We support the original essence of early blackmetal combined with the truest sense of the Aryan superman; NSBM.
Dreadmoon is a proud supporter and patriotic sponsor of the Vinland Liberation Front
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Code for Banner
All Artwork, including logo, designed and created by eLizabeth and Dreadmoon
Record Label: Desastrious Records
Type of Label: Indie