Billy G © profile picture

Billy G ©

I am here for Dating, Friends and Networking

About Me

What we do?!..We provide world class wakeboard instruction for all ages and skill levels from 2 time Vans Triple Crown National & World Champion Billy Garcia. Billy is a fixture on local lakes and a nationally recognized wakeboarding champion. He has been involved in competitive water sports since he was 6 years old.....oh yeah and he was the official wakeboard coach on Mtv's "MADE"

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My Interests

boardsports and bikinis!.........motox


Team Tripsphotos: Stone Slade

.. photos: Steve Hahn

.. photos: Steve Hahn

Exposure ..

I'd like to meet:

You like my banner and logos? USE MY GRAPHIC GUY!!!


Gladiator,Mad Max, Superbad,Transformers,Cool Hand Luke, Wedding Crashers, Fight Club, Amores Perros, A knights Tale, Super Troopers, I'll think of others later


"Made",Chips,Weeds,Nip Tuck, Itervention, First 48, Entourage,Pinks, Rob and Big, and others I can't think of now


My Grandpa and dad....they were/are entrepenuers and great business men. Taught us everything fun like watersports and motox. My moms is the shiat!!