Your mom is my primary interest. I also like beer, smoking, and volunteering as a seeing eye dog.
Your mom
In all honesty, I like to go running with my owner. Sometimes he brings along other dogs, like the German Pointer Sweet. Sweet is fast, real fast. I'm slower than him. It's still fun, though. Good music is Elton John, The Eagles, The Beach Boys, ELO, and Jack Johnson. If you don't agree with me, then you can talk to my lawyer. I'll see you in court.
Homeword Bound kicked some serious tail.
My favorite expression is "the dog days of summer." video codes
Make this your own
My favorite tv shows are Wrestling, Extreme Bingo, and the shoppers network.
Anything that is lewd, crude, and rude. I like books that use a lot of curse words. My favorite books are Bambi Strikes Back, the Drunk Jedi, and some others. I typically read between 18 to 20 hours a day. Some say that I'm a supreme intellectual, others say I'm a yellow lab with a personality and characteristics that were conceived of by a 17 year old boy who had nothing better to do than to create a myspace for me... it's in the eye of the beholder.
I pretty much worship myself...