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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Fuse is bringing people like YOU together to make Washington state more progressive. Fuse offers busy but concerned people fast, easy, and fun ways to make a difference and have your voice and values heard!

Fuse provides a steady diet of fast and fun opportunities to help build a better future. We'll give you efficient and effective ways to make a real difference on the full range of progressive causes people care about: the environment, economic and social justice, education, civil liberties, and others.

Click here to view Fuse's Website!

My Interests

-Affordable, high-quality, health care for all
-Building an education system that is the best in the world
-A cleaner, safer environment
-Better wages, benefits and working conditions for working Americans
-The protection of civil rights and elimination of discrimination
-Real security for the most vulnerable Americans
-The protection of civil liberties, including include freedom of speech, religion, association and assembly
-The protection of privacy, including reproductive freedom
-A criminal justice system that focuses on security instead of retribution
-Fiscal responsibility
-Democracy -- an open government that provides equal access to power

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Check out Fuse's "Like a Bad Neighbor" video produced last October in support of R-67!


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Busy people looking for fast, easy, and fun ways to make a difference. Sound like you?
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My Blog

Fuse is Hiring a Campaign Director!

Fuse is Hiring a Campaign Director!Do you think Washington State should be leading the nation with smart, progressive policies to combat global warming, cover the uninsured, and ensure equal opportuni...
Posted by fuse on Wed, 02 Jul 2008 08:48:00 PST

Dont go there: 3 places to avoid on the 4th of July

It's been 232 years since John Hancock, Thomas Jefferson, and 54 of their friends risked their lives by signing the Declaration of Independence, launching an incredible odyssey that transformed 13 scr...
Posted by fuse on Wed, 02 Jul 2008 02:37:00 PST

This has no place in Washington politics

The Building Industry Association of Washington - a trade association of ultra-conservative developers and the state's most powerful conservative special interest - is dragging Washington voters throu...
Posted by fuse on Mon, 23 Jun 2008 12:43:00 PST

National global warming bill needs boost

As Americans, we can often take pride in being number 1. But here's one we can't afford anymore: the United States is the world's biggest global warming polluter, and has produced more carbon dioxide ...
Posted by fuse on Wed, 28 May 2008 12:20:00 PST

Your Guide to the Initiative Petitioners Who Want your Signature

They're everywhere.  At parks, shopping malls, and supermarkets, on ferry boats and street corners -- wherever the good citizens of Washington gather.  They're heavily armed with clipboards ...
Posted by fuse on Thu, 22 May 2008 10:57:00 PST

Our Legislators: Who Sizzles and Who Fizzles?

Call us greedy if you want, but at Fuse there are two things we want a lot more of in politics: Leadership and Accountability. That's why we created the Fuse Sizzle Awards.The Sizzle Awards are desig...
Posted by fuse on Fri, 02 May 2008 11:37:00 PST

Tell us what you think!

Fuse is a member-driven organization and in order to fully represent you, our members and readers, we need to know what drives you. Are you passionate about reducing global warming? Do the problems ...
Posted by fuse on Thu, 24 Apr 2008 12:07:00 PST

Paid your taxes? The biggest war contractor hasn’t.

Here's some tax day news that really made me mad: the biggest private contractor in Iraq isn't paying payroll taxes.  Kellogg Brown Root, a spinoff of Halliburton and by far the largest private c...
Posted by fuse on Tue, 15 Apr 2008 11:14:00 PST

Are you looking for work?

Are you looking for work with a progressive organization or candidate? Check out Fuse's job bank, where we'll be constantly adding jobs to help you find the perfect gig!http://www.fusewashington.org/j...
Posted by fuse on Fri, 11 Apr 2008 12:15:00 PST

Calling all King, Pierce & Snohomish County Fusers!

Survey Says: Put Transit on the Ballot in ’08An astonishing 90% of the Fuse members who weighed in on our survey want a vote for expanded rail transit in 2008!The bad news is that some key membe...
Posted by fuse on Thu, 03 Apr 2008 10:40:00 PST