tHe EFfiN iNfaMoUs jULz profile picture

tHe EFfiN iNfaMoUs jULz


About Me

Hmmmmm....About Me.....I am a freshman at UT....WOO!! I ♥ Squirrels...I ♥ Cake.....My favorite word is the word "Fuck"...hmm....I ♥ making people laugh and just having a good time...anything else about me just ask if it's not below...
Name: Julz
Birthday: January 16
Birthplace: S.A.
Current Location: The one place you never want to be
Eye Color: Chocolate Brown
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Height: 5'6
Right Handed or Left Handed: Right Tighty!!
Your Heritage: I'm Hispanic.....and yes....Asian down line
The Shoes You Wore Today: My Black and White Checkered Shoes
Your Weakness: Food....and when I fall for someone....I fall on my face!!
Your Fears: Lonliness....and Being Vulnerable....and Snakes
Your Perfect Pizza: Hawaiian Pizza from Cici's Pizza
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: To get through freshman year at college
Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger: LOL.....I fucking hate that!!
Thoughts First Waking Up: FUCK
Your Best Physical Feature: I guess my eyes cause they got that Asian flair
Your Bedtime: Whenever I want....I do what I want!
Your Most Missed Memory: Not having to worry about anything
Pepsi or Coke: Pepsi
MacDonalds or Burger King: BURGER KING!! Bigger and Better Burgers than Mc Donalds!
Single or Group Dates: Single.....cause then it just feels like another night out
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: High School Cafeteria Tea
Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate
Cappuccino or Coffee: Cappuccino
Do you Smoke: I socially smoke Swisha Sweets
Do you Swear: FUCK YEA!!
Do you Sing: Sometimes...
Do you Shower Daily: Yea...
Have you Been in Love: Yea....or at least I thought I was
Do you want to go to College: I am in college
Do you want to get Married: Possibly one drunken night in Vegas at 3 AM
Do you belive in yourself: Sometimes.....
Do you get Motion Sickness: On carnival rides.....I don't know what it is about them
Do you think you are Attractive:Yea....I guess is in the eye of the beholder
Do you get along with your Parents: I do
Do you like Thunderstorms: Hell Yea... I Heart Them!!
Do you play an Instrument: Yea....guitar
In the past month have you Drank Alcohol: Come that really a serious question?
In the past month have you Smoked: Yea....
In the past month have you been on Drugs: Drugs are bad for you kids....your a result of a night in Tiajuana
In the past month have you gone on a Date: Yea...
In the past month have you gone to a Mall: Of course...but just because I Heart the Chinese food at the mall
In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos:'s soooo good once it hits your lips
In the past month have you eaten Sushi: No....I tried it once....I don't like it
In the past month have you been on Stage: Nah....
In the past month have you been Dumped: Nah...
In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping: Nah...not this month
In the past month have you Stolen Anything: Nah...
Ever been Drunk: Are you serious?......Your talking to Julz....The Queen Alkie
Ever been called a Tease: Yea.....but I'd rather be a tease than a whore
Ever been Beaten up: Nah.....
Ever Shoplifted: Yea..
How do you want to Die: In a cool way.....none of that choking on a sandwich shit....I'm not gonna go out like that
What do you want to be when you Grow Up: If I ever grow up.....I'm not sure.....
What country would you most like to Visit: I guess Europe...Amsterdam's in Europe isn't it?
In a Boy/Girl..
Favourite Eye Color: Colored Eyes.......
Favourite Hair Color: Any hair color.......
Short or Long Hair: Short.....
Height: Taller than me.....
Weight: More than me.....
Best Clothing Style: Whatever they like.....I go for personality...not what they wear
Number of Drugs I have taken: Like I said....Drugs are bad for you kids.....look how you ended up!
Number of CDs I own: A Lot!
Number of Piercings: Two on each ear and my lip!
Number of Tattoos: None yet....

Number of things in my Past I Regret: None....cuase whats the point in regretting something that you can't change
What's your favorite....
Beverage (non-alc) ? Big Red
Beverage (alc) ? Vodka and Budweiser
Color ? Bright Ass Yellow
Food ? CAKE!!
Item of clothing ? My AC/DC Back In Black Shirt
Meal of the day ? I would guess Breakfast...when I used to wake up and eat my fake ass Crunchberries
Feature on yourself ? I would have to say my eyes because they got that Asian flair
Quality in a guy/girl ? They would have to be 3 things....Funny, Nice, and Awesome
Phrase ? "Everything Happens For A Reason"
Song ? "I Got Punched In The Nose For Sticking It In Other Peoples Business"
Musical Artist/Band ? Boys Night Out
Sport ? Skateboarding
Movie ? Pretty In Pink
TV Show ? The OC
Radio Station ? I really don't like the radio stations down here
Type of Chocolate ? Milk Chocolate
Eye Color ? Any eye color other than brown or black
Do you/Have you ever....
Have any pets ? Oh yeah....I have my fatgirl...and the rest of the pets....I don't know what happened to them
Smoke ? Yea...
Drink ? Of course.....
Have any piercings ? Two on each ear and my lip
Have any tatoos ? Not yet...
Cheat on a boyfriend/girlfriend No....cuase I know how much it hurts to be cheated on
Had sex ? No....if you know know I'm a good Catholic girl
Gone streaking ? Semi-Streaking at 3 AM in Moore........hahahaha good times
Gone skinny dipping ? Oh yeah.....Spring Break '06
Been to Europe ? No....I want to go though
Been to an island ? Yea...
Had stitches ? Surprisingly no....*knocks on wood*
Broken any bones ? *knocks on wood*
Been stabbed/shot ? I've been shanked with a fork
Slept until after 12:00 ? Of course....1/2 my life is spent sleeping
Stayed up all night ? Dude I sooo did that last night
Danced like a whore ? Define how a whore dances and I will tell you whether I have or not
Hooked up with 2 people in one weekend ? Define "Hooked Up"?
Turned down a dare ? Hell Yea......
Which friend....
Is the funniest ? Nikki and Pam
Is the prettiest ? Amber
Is the most handsome?td Joey
Is the loudest ? Nikki and Pam
Is the craziest ? Nikki and Pam.......those are some crazy bitches!!
Is the most shy ? I'm not sure
Is the most loving ? Holli
Is the most understanding ? All of them cause they put up with my bullshit sometimes
Is the most boring ? None of them.....cause then they wouldn't be my friends
Is the richest ? Juice
Is the most athletic ? Amber
Is the most cocky ? I don't know who has the biggest....oh....none of them are cocky
Is the biggest sex icon ? Definetly Pam...She got game!!b
Is the most wordly/cultured ? Cultured.....I have no idea

Do you look up to the most ? None of them cause I do my own thing
Do you tell everything to ? Nikki, Pam, Holli, Joey, Kool-Aid, Juice, and last but defiently not least..Amber
Has the best clothes ? Kiana
Has the best house ? IDK
Would you ever....
Eat pizza with chocolate chips ? Oh hell yeah....
Kiss someone of the same sex ? I would have to be really really really fucking drunk
Cheat on someone you love ? No....cuase if I loved them I wouldn't want to hurt them
Run away from home ? I did....I packed up my Barbie suitcase and chilled in the garage...but now.....nah I like it here
Lie to your parents ? Of course....if I didn't how would I ever have fun?
Lie to your boyfriend/girlfriend ? Possibly.....if they act more like a girl than me and nag and nag.....of course I'm gonna lie
Lie to your best friend ? No.....why would I need to lie to my best friend
Give a homeless person money ? Yea....
Run from the police ? I caught....would do it again!
Bungee jump ? Nah....I don't like the feeling of my heart in

My Interests

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I'd like to meet:

Anyone who I have or will ever meet in my life....that includes Santa and the Power Rangers...
Create your own friendquiz here


Boys Night Out Atreyu The Used Alexisonfire VHS or Beta AC/DC PANIC! At the Disco Taking Back Sunday Fall Out Boy Amber Pacific Rufio From First To Last My Chemical Romance Alkaline Trio Reggie and The Full Effect Jimi Hendrix Red Hot Chili Peppers Finch Thrice Bullet For My Valentine With Broken Wings (R.I.P) The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus The Doors KISS James Blunt Journey Pussycat Dolls Eagles Queen Story of The Year Greenday Coheed and Cambria Weezer The Ravonettes Hole Kittie Pink Floyd Violent Femmes Lyrnrd Skynrd Maroon 5 Gorillaz Matchbook Romance Saosin Glassjaw Halifax The Pixies Tenacious D A7X Aiden The Silence The Starting Line A.F.I Anberlin The Academy Is... Cute Is What We Aim For Boxcar Racer Led Zeppelin Gym Class Heroes The Postal Service Crash Romeo Bayside Chingo Bling Paul Wall Chamillionare


Pretty In Pink 16 Candles Old School Fight Club Ferris Bueller's Day Off The Breakfast Club The Goonies Dirty Dancing Top Gun Shaun of The Dead Lonesome Dove Crash Varsity Blues Wedding Crashers The Ringer Sin City The Notebook Willy Wonka and The Chocolate Factory Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Amityville Horror (the new one) Harold and Kumar Go To White Castle The Wall All Three Fridays 50 First Dates Anchorman Donnie Darko Orange County Mean Girls The Longest Yard (the new one) Benchwarmers Nacho Libre The Da Vinchi Code The Godfather Scarface


Family Guy Robot Chicken Southpark The Simpsons King of The Hill Aqua Teen Hunger Force Ninja Turtles Mind of Mencia Desperate Housewives CSI Miami Ink Project Runway Mr. Meaty Nip/Tuck Project Runway


I guess the dictionary....cause it defines the word fuck in it!! Also Cookbooks!
How to make a Julz
3 parts intelligence
1 part crazyiness
1 part leadership
Add to a cocktail shaker and mix vigorously. Serve with a slice of caring and a pinch of salt. Yum!

Personality cocktail


I don't like heroes.....I like the villans..MUAH HAHAHAHAHA!!
Click Here to get this from!

My Blog

The Best Day Of My Life...So Far........ I would have to say Monday was one of the best days of my life....Nothing exciting and nothing majorly great was just one of those days where everything seemed right in the wo...
Posted by ♥ThE iNfAmOuS jULz♥ on Wed, 25 Oct 2006 12:10:00 PST

Busting Donuts with a Donut!!

Hahahahaha Ok heres what and my friends were on our way to the river and we were gonna stop in Uvalde to pick up some stuff....we were in 2 different friend in her car had a...
Posted by ♥ThE iNfAmOuS jULz♥ on Fri, 02 Jun 2006 01:35:00 PST