wolf boy profile picture

wolf boy

wonder twin powers activate! form of... PENIS!

About Me

I love to exercise and work out (Same thing?) I use word processors for everything but still get errors, being funny is my ‘special skill’ (which sucks because everybody knows you only get one special skill per lifetime and really wanted ‘smart’) I look forward to opening my mailbox every day and hate Sunday because of it! I love to write and I love money ^.^ I hate being alone but I think I always will be. I love to dream and think outside the box, I love to have fun and be crazy, I try to inspire my friends to do the same. I sing all the time but I’m not that good at it. I have this crazy dream of moving to Russia and I swear one day I will :)!
Sometimes I’ll order something from the internet and hope that a hot UPS guy will delivery it ^.^ ... I’m a big people person but I hate to work with them. I write all my dreams and hopes down in a lil’ black book, which no one will ever read! And if u did I would totally deny it! Every time I try to make plans they some how get changed. My life is Random and I love it :)! For the first time... I love it! Living life in a box, where everything is ‘safe’, every instance is controlled is not the life for me :)! Umm.. Yeah that’s it I’m done talking about me :)! You can add me now.. I know you want too :)! Touch it! Haha.... bye.
Jan. 19, 2007 2:21 a.m.
lol well i've decided that i'm giong to write some more shit about me.. haha its not like anyone reads this shit anyway.. i mean come on! foreal like.. i bet all u people do, people that dont know me anyway is go stright to the picture section and if u dont like what u see u dont continue.. and if u do know me.. ur not going to read the about me section becuase u think you already know me! ... well FUCK U! haha just kidding.. i do the same shit! i hope this makes since.. i mean im writing it at like 2 in the morning and im not useing a word prosscor to check my work.. soo excuse me for the typos... but fuck u if u say anything about it! haha.. and for all of u who actually read my shit... send me a messege or soemthing so i konw u read it.. then i'll take all the embarrasing shit off haha!.... have u guys ever noticed how there is nothing on the tv late at night.. only those fucking info-shits and u know every single time i start to watch that stuff... it sucks me in and i almost end up buying it! haha! i think im an In-som-ni-ak haha... i neeed some exdreen p.m. i love that shit :) well ... untill i can think of some more shit to write.. i'm out :)!AUSTA

My Interests

Graphics & Layouts

Graphics & Layouts

Graphics & Layouts

Graphics & Layouts

Graphics & Layouts

Graphics & Layouts

Graphics & Layouts

Graphics & Layouts

I'd like to meet:

i'd like to meet .... umm i dono, i'm a meetable person soo anyone i guess.. just as long as if your not an ass hole.. i hate ass holes!

Games 4 You!

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My Blog

drawn together

Posted by wolf boy on Thu, 01 Feb 2007 11:39:00 PST

Wolves rock my world

    haha yeah soo they do.. im not ganna lie, i love wolves.. i even got one tatooed on my back :) haha i think there amazing! im going to start a new short story and the theme is going...
Posted by wolf boy on Sun, 28 Jan 2007 12:12:00 PST

soo im already lost

yeah right now i'm in spanish class and i have know idea what this bitch is talking about... and were not even talking about spanish! WTF! ahh! well.. i betta get back to pretending.. before some one ...
Posted by wolf boy on Mon, 22 Jan 2007 07:25:00 PST

out personals... i have to poop

    lol sooo there is a shit load of add's for that out-personal web site on myspace... and i have to admit.. sometimes i'm a lil tempted to go get one but luckly every time it asks for...
Posted by wolf boy on Mon, 22 Jan 2007 05:36:00 PST

Movies for One :)

    well i was just setiin in my apartment.. all by my lonesum and i saw that moive preview for The hitcher..  soo i logged on to my laptop and went to moive times.com and saw ther...
Posted by wolf boy on Sun, 21 Jan 2007 12:04:00 PST

in my wiccan days

With these words I let you out,dispelled and cast in to the darknesswhere you shall not be remembered,let the nothing take controllet it bind you in to submission,let the ties of love be brokenand let...
Posted by wolf boy on Thu, 28 Dec 2006 08:35:00 PST

Never After (poem)

Fuck dude! Go away,every thing, every single thing reminds me of you!I swear it's a swirling mess of shitand there you arein the eye of the storm!Mocking meAll I want to do is close my eyesSurround my...
Posted by wolf boy on Thu, 28 Dec 2006 08:26:00 PST

Ran out of things to burn...

Man, our love was like wildfire, hot, but not stable. i guess we just ran out of things to burn.
Posted by wolf boy on Wed, 13 Dec 2006 02:54:00 PST

Shattered Emotions (poem)

While the melodic lines of love songs keep flying through my head, I stand still and think, I think about how much I hate you, And I wonder, How could you be so selfish? So stupid, So vile. How could...
Posted by wolf boy on Tue, 21 Nov 2006 12:57:00 PST

walking in at the WRONG FUCKING TIME!

Posted by wolf boy on Fri, 17 Nov 2006 01:47:00 PST