vanilla cake w/chocolate icing, synthesizers, basketball, lp's, bazooka, guitars, malty beer, kierkegaard, skateboarding......
Syd Barrett, Muhammad Ali, Jackson Pollock, Lenny Bruce, Marco Polo, Pj Harvey......
brainiac, the blood brothers, OMD, polvo, gary numan, black flag, ruin, my bloody valentine, slayer, cat power, the fall, us maple, aphex twin, michael jackson(pre-child molesting), bad brains, leonard cohen.................
E.T., rules of attraction, emmet otters jugband christmas, memento, welcome to the dollhouse, henry fool, car wash.................
house, lost, arrested development, seinfeld, news hour with Jim Lehrer, ..................
catcher in the rye, the sound and the fury, fear and trembling, the mysterious stranger, Gnostic Gospels.....