People are always asking me why im so sad and in response im gonna tell you why. I mourn for the apathetic state of which this world has taken. It is passive in its belifs and dosent care about truth anymore. It has even gone so far as to say there is no such thing as truth that its all relative and dosent matter. I mourn in regret of my past of which i deeply regret. I mourn for the thought of all who are going to hell! I mourn at all the tragedies that plaug the world, and I mourn of my own sin which is numerous cause im far from perfect.
I dont think its bad to be sad and depressed or mourn alot. I see no where in the bible where it says it is wrong to be sad, and i see no place where it promises happines if i follow Christ. The only promise the bible makes me is that i will be hated and cast out by the world because it hated God first. It says heaven will be a place unimaginable by the biggest imagination and it says that im to inhearit it. "Matthew 5:3"Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. 4 Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted." So all this to say tho I may be sad and morose often dont worry im truely blessed and will someday come to ihearit the kingdom of heaven and somday I will becomforted and its that hope that I live for.
I love four things more than anything thing:
Theses are 4 things i could not live without and three things I pray i always have. I also enjoy writng songs and poetry. I often use metaphores and write aligoricly sometimes even in middle english. So it may not be the easiest to understand all the time or sound diffrent from what it truely means.
I am going to be a pastor somday and hope to help many with what I have gone through and that which i havent with Gods advice and not what i heard Dr.phil say cause he didnt save my life, Christ did!
If you have any questions comments and lastly but most importantly Prayer request I would Love to hear them. I will pray for those who ask and I will do my best to answer any questions I can, be fore warned my standard is the Bible and its a dangerous book! Just ask everyone who is to scared to read it;)
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