♥If Only...♥ profile picture

♥If Only...♥

Cant Spell Dance Without ADC ♥

About Me

*LIKES* ♥i love Dance ♥i dance @ADC ♥i love junkfood ♥im random ♥i love animals ♥im a vegitarian ♥i love Polka-Dotz ♥im obsessed with obsession ♥i love shopping ♥i love flipflops ♥sunglasses ♥Tanning ♥ ♥i love picture comments ♥i love comments ♥i love ice cream ♥im obsessed with candy ♥im crazy ♥i love trampolines ♥i love being on my roof ♥i love christmas ♥i love my cell fone ♥i love my adios ♥i love you♥*DISLIKES*♥i hate people who try to be something their not ♥i hate preps ♥it gets on my nerves when people say LIKE too much ♥i hate when ppl copy ♥i hate when people repeat things alll the time ♥i hate when guys are desprite ♥i hate when guys chase u ♥thats pretty much itI LOVE PIGEONS! and of course SUPERMAN!! hes awesome
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My Interests

Dance,Horsebackriding,Swimming,Tanning,Goin to da Beach.Shopping,Eating,Hanginggggggg

I'd like to meet:

Anyone Nice SUPERMAN! and i really wanna pigeon =]
Really Long Survey (over 200)

What is your name?: maya
Are you named after anyone?: no
What's your screename?: cowsgooink38
Would you name a child of yours after you?: no
If you were born a member of the opposite sex what would your name be?: i dno
If you could switch names with a friend who would it be?: kasey or carli
Are there any mispronounciations/typos that ppl do w/ your name constantly?: mya mia and miah
Would you drop your last name if you became famous?: i dno
Your gender:: female
Straight/Gay/Bi:: straight
Single?: yea
If not, do you want to be?:
Birthdate:: 4/10/1994
Your age:: 11
Age you act:: 11
Age you wish you were:: 12
Your height:: 7.0!!!!!! lol jk 4.8 i think
Eye color:: hazel
Happy with it?: yea
Hair color:: blondish brownish
Happy with it?: yep
Lefty/righty/ambidextrous:: righty
Your living arrangement:: 5 acres
Your family:: mom and sisters
Have any pets?: yea
Whats your job?: school and dancing
Piercings?: 2
Tattoos?: no
Obsessions?: lipgloss candy food!!!!!!!
Addictions?: ^^^^^^^
Do you speak another language?: a lil spanish and french
Have a favorite quote?: i do wut i want
Do you have a webpage?: myspace
Deep Thoughts About Life and You in it
Do you live in the moment?: sure
Do you consider yourself tolerant of others?: ?
Do you have any secrets?: yea
Do you hate yourself?: no
Do you like your handwriting?: not really
Do you have any bad habits?: i dno
What is the compliment you get from most people?: pretty name
If a movie was made about your life, what would it be called?: craziiii
What's your biggest fear?: creepy crawly things
Can you sing?: no but i do n e ways... cover ur glass! lol jkjkjkjk
Do you ever pretend to be someone else just to look cool?: sometimes
Are you a loner?: no
What are your ..1 priorities in life?: be the best dancer i can be
If you were another person, would you be friends with you?: yea
Are you a daredevil?: no
Is there anything you fear or hate about yourself?: no
Are you passive or agressive?: passive i guess
Do you have a journal?: no
What is your greatest strength and weakness?: strength= friends weakness= having everyone hate me
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?: not being able to say i want this and i want it nowwwww
Do you think you are emotionally strong?: yea
Is there anything you regret doing/not doing in life?: yea
Do you think life has been good so far?: yea
What is the most important lesson you've learned from life?: live ~n~ learn
What do you like the most about your body?: that im skinney
And least?: my teeth
Do you think you are good looking?: yea
Are you confident?: yea
What is the fictional character you are most like?: umm i dno
Are you perceived wrongly?: wut
Do You...
Smoke?: no
Do drugs?: no
Read the newspaper?: no
Pray?: yea
Go to church?: sometimes
Talk to strangers who IM you?: no
Sleep with stuffed animals?: yep
Take walks in the rain?: yep
Talk to people even though you hate them?: sometimes
Drive?: no
Like to drive fast?: if i drove yes
Would or Have You Ever?
Liked your voice?: ?
Hurt yourself?: yea
Been out of the country?: yea
Eaten something that made other people sick?: umm no
Been in love?: no
Done drugs?: no
Gone skinny dipping?: no
Had a medical emergency?: no
Had surgery?: no
Ran away from home?: no
Played strip poker?: no
Gotten beaten up?: no
Beaten someone up?: no
Been picked on?: yea
Been on stage?: yea!! i loveee it too
Slept outdoors?: yea
Thought about suicide?: yea i thought about how gross it is
Pulled an all nighter?: yep
If yes, what is your record?: all nite
Gone one day without food?: umm no i cant live without food!
Talked on the phone all night?: no
Slept together with the opposite sex w/o actually having sex?: no
Slept all day?: no
Killed someone?: a worm
Made out with a stranger?: no
Had sex with a stranger?: no
Thought you're going crazy?: yea
Kissed the same sex?: my momma! =]
Done anything sexual with the same sex?: no
Been betrayed?: ?
Had a dream that came true?: yea
Broken the law?: yea.. =[
Met a famous person?: yea
Have you ever killed an animal by accident?: yea =[
On purpose?: NO!
Told a secret you swore you wouldn't tell?: yea =[
Stolen anything?: no
Been on radio/tv?: yea
Been in a mosh-pit?: in duck duck gooose!!! =]
Had a nervous breakdown?: i dno
Bungee jumped?: no
Had a dream that kept coming back?: YES O.M.GOSH IT FREEEEEKY
Belive in life on other planets?: yea
Miracles?: yea
Astrology?: ?
Magic?: yea
God?: yea
Satan?: ?
Santa?: no
Ghosts?: yea
Luck?: yea
Love at first sight?: yea
Yin and yang (that good cant exist w/o bad)?: yea
Witches?: yea some people lol
Easter bunny?: no
Believe its possible to remain faithful forever?: yea
Believe theres a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow?: lol i wish
Do you wish on stars?: yea
Deep Theological Questions
Do you believe in the traditional view of Heaven and Hell?: yea
Do you think God has a gender?: yea male..
Do you believe in organized religion?: no
Where do you think we go when we die?: into another life
Do you have any gay/lesbian friends?: i dont think... hopefully not lol
Who is your best friend?: i have alottt but theres... devin kasey carli danielle marissa kassie shoshanna nicole taylor kyra maddison danielle s. anddd more
Who's the one person that knows most about you?: i think kassie
What's the best advice that anyone has ever given to you?: guys will come and go but friends are forever
Your favourite inside joke?: shake it like a pepper shaker! lol danielle and eww gross lol carli and flying money!! lol marissa
Thing you're picked on most about?: shortness =[
Who's your longest known friend?: shoshanna
Newest?: kyra maddison and danielle s. i thinkkk
Shyest?: basicly all of my friends arnt shy
Funniest?: carli
Sweetest?: devin
Closest?: kassie and devin and kasey and carli and danielle rite now
Weirdest?: kassie
Smartest?: kassie
Ditziest?: danielle
Friends you miss being close to the most?: carli
Last person you talked to online?: kasey
Who do you talk to most online?: kasey and devin
Who are you on the phone with most?: kassie
Who do you trust most?: devin
Who listens to your problems?: devin
Who do you fight most with?: i dno
Who's the nicest?: devin
Who's the most outgoing?: danielle and carli
Who's the best singer?: umm MIKE JONES!
Who's on your shit-list?: ******
Have you ever thought of having sex with a friend?: huh?? eww gross no
Who's your second family?: the chambers
Do you always feel understood?: no
Who's the loudest friend?: danielle especially when she sings in the car lol
Do you trust others easily?: sorta
Who's house were you last at?: kaseys
Name one person who's arms you feel safe in:: my momma!!!
Do your friends know you?: yeeess
Friend that lives farthest away:: elizabeth
Love and All That
Do you consider love a mistake?: sometimes
What do you find romantic?: guys eyes
Turn-on?: ^^
Turn-off?: guys laugh (if its weird) lol
First kiss?: nothin
If someone u had no interest in had interest in dating u how would u feel?: id feel weird
Do you prefer knowing someone before dating them or going: yea
Have u ever wished it was more socially acceptable 4 a girl 2 ask a guy out: i think its cool both ways
Have you ever been romantically attracted to someone physically unattractiv: no
Do you think the opposite sex finds you good looking?: i dno some ppl
What is best about the opposite sex?: eyes and personality and looks
What is the worst thing about the opposite sex?: if they have no personality
What's the last present someone gave you?: umm wut christmas present r u talking about??
Are you in love?: no but i like someone
Do you consider your significant other hot?: yeees
Who Was the Last Person...
That haunted you?: people @HHN
You wanted to kill?: someone who was bothering me
That you laughed at?: hayden
That laughed at you?: tyler
That turned you on?: *****
You went shopping with?: family 4 christmas
That broke your heart?: no 1
To disappoint you?:
To ask you out?: tyler
To make you cry?: tyler
To brighten up your day?: kasey
That you thought about?: *****
You saw a movie with?: kasey
You talked to on the phone?: dad
You talked to through IM/ICQ?: hayden
You saw?: my sister
You lost?: great grandma
Right This Moment...
Are you going out?: no
Will it be with your significant other?:
Or some random person?:
What are you wearing right now?: cuttee striped pajama bottoms with a orange hollister shirt
Body part you're touching right now:: hair
What are you worried about right now?: that ill hate 1 of my electives next sem.
What book are you reading?: pshhhh yea rite.. o.. ur not lieing??
What's on your mousepad?: a picture of the beach
Use 5 words to describe how you're feeling:: happy.sick.neat.excited.anxious
Are you bored?: sorta
Are you tired?: sorta
Are you talking to anyone online?: yea kasey
Are you talking to anyone on the phone?: no
Are you lonely or content?: i wish that ***** liked me
Are you listening to music?: dashboard confessional
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You've been totally Bzoink*d


i like some country, rock, hip hop, pop dashboard confessional, gorillaz,weezer,fall out boy,green day, and a BUNCH more too much typing

Dashboard Confessional - Hands Down
Provided by VideoCodes4U.com
been kissed.. not really
lied to a friend.. yea
dyed ur hair no
dressed punk yea
kissed a girl no
saw something u didnt want to yea
danced in the rain yea
lied to ur parents yea
went barefoot in the snow no
played hockey no
made ur own clothes no
got in a fite no
took a shower yea
gave a dirty look to someone yea
cried=( no
did a cartwheel no
went to school no
shopped yea
danced yea
got sick no
did something u regret yea
discovered something new yea
run to class because ur always late sometimes
act perfect no
act hyper sometimes
are a nerd no
in band?? no
in ur pjs no
drinkin no
listening to music yea
watching a movie no
iming someone no
talkin on the fone no
eating no
hot topic or abercrombie and fitch abercrombie and fitch
thongs or briefs ?
boxers anyone?!?! no thanks
sweatpants or jeans jeans
longsleeved shirts or short sleeve short
tube tops or tanks both
current clothes jeans hollister shirt and sweater
current mood happy
current music dashboard confessional
current taste chocolate
current make-up none
current thing I ought to be doing dno
you hugged devin
yelled at danielle
IMed. mitchell
you touched depends on how u look @it....
[ EiTHER/0R .. ]
coffee or hot chocolate both
big or little little
lace or satin satin
new or old new
vogue or cosmopolitan vogue
skirt or dress skirt
wool or cotton cotton
[DO YOU..]
put on a "front" no
have a crush on someone yea
if u got a tatoo where wud u get it back
waht is the online symbol u use the most lol
u have a boyfriend or girlfiend no
who's hotter, Josh Hartnett or Chad Michael Murray chad
what was the last thing you said huh
who would u want to be stuck in an elevator with devin, carli, kassie, my moma, :-)
do you like stickers yea
do u play with mad libs wen ur bored no
are you suicidal no
is your window open no
what was the last pair of shoes you bought adios
do you have a little brother no
does he draw you cute pictures no
where do your grandparents live canada
what do you think of when you hear the word click computer mouse
are you a moron no
do you like trampolines yea
have u ever accidentally sucked something up in the vacuum yea
did you see American Pie 2 no
do you cut yourself ewww no grosssss



umm Napolian Dynamite♥War of the Worlds♥Mean Girls♥FINDING NEMO!!♥the good son♥just like heaven♥Lord Of the Rings♥Harry Potter♥Bruce Almighty♥Shallow Hal♥ and more ♥


Anything ♥ Interesting


n e thing interestingcute pics ^^^^^^^^^


All these people including family ♥i LOVE SUPERMAN ^^^^^^^!!!!! hes my man =] heck yes

My Blog


hey im in texas anddd were waiting for it to be 2006! its an hour earlier than in florida so i get a new year a hour after u!  well i love comments and especally picture comments  soooo chec...
Posted by ♥If Only...♥ on Sun, 01 Jan 2006 09:37:00 PST