Bad Brains, Broken Bones, Rudimentary Peni, Discharge, Peter and the Test Tube Babies, Discocks, D.I., Citizen Fish, Special Duties, Major Accident, The Partisans, The Stitches, Subhumans, Culture Shock, Skeptix, Chaos U.K., MDC, fugazi, prince buster, the specials, circle jerks, Conflict, UK Subs, Aus-Rotten, Capitalist Casualties, Anti-schism, blood for blood, anti-product, Dystopia, Gism, At The Gates, Filth, Against Me, Agent Orange, Chaotic Dischord, Misfits, Self Destruct, Chron gen, ect.
Jet Li's Fearless, the protector, iron monkey, lord of the ring, starwars
the Boondocks, Chapelle's show, discovery, history, lol
i dont look up to anybody