Rachel profile picture



About Me

Of CoUrSe, ItZ rAcHeL...i Am 13 yRz OLdd. I pLaY fIeLd HoCkEy AnD I aM tHe GoAlIe FoR oUr ScHoOlS fIeLd HoCkEy TeAm...AnD tAkE kArAtE...dUh! I hAvE bRoWn HaIr, BrOwN eYeZ, wItH bLoNdE hIgHlIgHtZ. In My FrEe TiMe, I lIkE tO sLeEp, IdK y I sAiD tHaT cUz I dOnT hAvE fReE tImE. i HaVe AlOt Of AwEsOmE fRiEnDz ThAt Im ReAlLy ClOsE tO. bY tHe WaY, i CaN aLsO bE a BiTcH!...jUs To LeT yA kNoW..i Am BoI cRaZy! I lOvE bAm MaRgErA aNd CkY.iM oUt...CyA!

My Interests

fIeLd HoCkEy, KaRaTe, SkIiNg, SnOwBoArDiNg, SlEePiNg, AnD hAnGiN' wIt MaH fRiEnDz!

I'd like to meet:

...BaM mArGeRa...DuH!


greendayy ;; kellyy clarksonn ;; wakee mee upp whenn septemberr endzz ;; soull surviverr ;; akonn ;; aliciaa keyss ;; unbreakablee ;; holidayy ;; bulivardd off brokenn dreamss ;; papaa roachh ;; scars ;; myy escapee ;; thatss aboutt itt...


jackass ;; nepolian dynomite ;; kung pow ;; dodge ball ;; finding nemo ;; shark tale ;; matrix ;; too fast too furious ;; dare devil ;; the seed of chucky ;; the ring one ;; the ring two ;; cinderella ;; ghost busters ;; mr and mrs smith ;; darkness falls ;; hustle and flow ;; the longest yard


the real world austin ;; laguna beach ;; full house ;; wild n out ;; making the band ;; viva la bam ;; andy milinokis ;; the reality show ;; step by step


I DoNt ReaD!!


BaM mArGeRa...duh