Lacking the Softness of Bathroom Tissue... |
...but full of that quilted texture. I ran into some people I knew the other day. They were gathered and it was like retro-shock. This last month has been odd, as is most months, but the sheer quantit... Posted by Red Kami on Sat, 17 Jun 2006 09:42:00 PST |
Things you can do, some can't be done |
I was driving to a friends part on thursday evening. It was at The Shortstop on Sunset and I was having a hell of a time finding decent parking, or any parking. The gas station next door had started c... Posted by Red Kami on Wed, 26 Apr 2006 01:54:00 PST |
I am Full of Elevator Action |
When I was younger I found myself obssesed with the odd little things that people often took for granted. It has been a habit which has carried over to the present and has often had friends refer to m... Posted by Red Kami on Fri, 14 Apr 2006 04:37:00 PST |
Plantains. Why? |
Who the fuck eats this shit? I see them all the time, and occasionally they find their sickly sweet way onto my plate at some restaurant or other. Why? Also "With Honors" is a movie far worse than I o... Posted by Red Kami on Mon, 27 Feb 2006 08:25:00 PST |
Exotic Asian Melodies and Other Things |
So my cousin Lara asked me to write a blog dedicated to her. I had not written one in some ten months seeing as there was no point. Who cares really? obviously someone does and so here I go.On my driv... Posted by Red Kami on Fri, 24 Feb 2006 06:15:00 PST |
Armenia/Moscow Journal days 8-30 part 1 |
I have been lax in writing my further adventures half way across the world. So let me try to reach back to day eight and start from there.
At some point Rev and Rachel (my brother and sister in la... Posted by Red Kami on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST |
Armenia Journal days 4-7 |
Saturday was a bit poignant. I woke up late and had breakfast around noon and then gave Nushan, the local accountant turned renaissance man turned guy who picks up my drycleaning, my drycleaning. He t... Posted by Red Kami on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST |
Armenia Journal Days 1-3 |
London Heathrow sucks. We were forced to sit in the plane for an hour and a half while (ironically) a turkish airlines plane blocked our entry into the terminal. By the time we got to Yerevan it was s... Posted by Red Kami on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST |
Feb. 19, 2005 - Fuck This Day Forever |
Last night I felt my anger rise to a level I had not reached for two years. I was on the verge of punching out several DJ's whom made my my event, The CLeanup, Impossible to send off. I'd get into det... Posted by Red Kami on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST |
Oct. 20, 2004 Santa Monica and Virgil - A Day That Will Live In Infamy |
I was in a car accident last night with Elan, who riding in the
passenger seat of my Toyata Tercel. I won't get into details about the
actual accident, only that I had a yellow light and she was makin... Posted by Red Kami on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST |