Metal Gear Solid 1 and 2 (big impact on me), dancing, video games(DDRMAX) DDRmax 2 is coming out Sept 24 go cop it and support ddr and Dec 2nd for the Xbox, swimming, going out to a restaurant, movie and maybe a walk on the beach(seriously)
I want to find the one. My whole that completes me. "I'd like to pass on my genes like every living organism on this planet this mindlessly programed to do. But it is up to us to perserve memories,history, joys, sorrows, pains, and happiness. Our lives should be passed on in all their glory. In all their mistakes and right choices. Perserving the past and protecting the future are one in the same."- Solid Snake, Metal Gear SOlid 2. My center. Britney Spears and Michelle Rodriguez are really hot. I'd like to meet them too. :) The one pyscho b17ch to complete my insane but7 ;) I'd like to meet John Travolta, Nicohlas Cage, Michael Caine just to name a few of my fav actors. And Mike Meyers he's hilarious;)
Britney Spears, Neptunes, Disco, 80's, 90's, J Timberlake, COMMERCIAL(and what!!!) hip hop, Trance and BRITNEY SPEARS my God I love her
(amything with arnis) Pearl Harbor, Goldmember, ID4, Crossroads, SPAWN, William Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet, Pearl Harbor, Wedding Singer, The Rock, Rebel without a Cause, Legally Blonde, A Streetcar Named Desire, Identity, The Tuxedo
Catcher in the Rye, White Oleander, Things they Carried, Like Water for Chocolate, Any Hemingway book I'm old school like that, also Frued is interesting too