K-9's, Books on foreign policy and politics, guns, investing,and the human mind. JuJitsu (Yoshimishinki Ryugi founded by Soke George Sherman). Most of all my girlfriend, Alicia, whose wit and great humor always keeps me on my toes ...ChelseaMS
President G.W. Bush. I would like to meet the true heros, not the ones who get paid to run up and down fields, I mean the true ones who take the time to better America.ChelseaMSChelseaMS
This is why I joined the Air Force
Top Gun 2: Brokeback Squadron
Add to My Profile | More Videos ...ChelseaMS
Anything with a great war theme and comedy. Patton, Saving Private Ryan, Band of Brothers, Black Hawk Down, etc....ChelseaMS
I don't get the chance to watch TV like I want to so this is very limited to Family Guy, Fox News and the Simpsons....ChelseaMS
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