I play the violin (aka fiddle)and I'm learning Celtic music. I'm teaching myself how to play the mandolin and I knit. I also like spending time with my family and friends. I read horiscopes and I've got fairy oracle cards that I'm learning the meanings of. I've also got a tattoo on my leg of a Celtic water dragon. I'm thinking of getting another one soon.
How Irish Are You?
Find out if you're Irish on the inside!
This is a cute test! I scored a 65%! I especially loved the question that I couldn't tell the difference between a good pub visit and the last Wake I attended! *LMBO*
I'd like to meet Johnny Dep (what female wouldn't), Queen Elizabeth II, and anyone who's interesting. They don't have to be rich or famous, just intelligent. I have met and had my photo taken with a member of Scottish Parliment. He was a very educated gentleman with an amazing insight into modern 21st Century Scotland.
Hip-hop, 80's, some classical, TONS of Celtic music(Wicked Tinkers, 7 Nations, Brother, Leaping Lulu's, Kindred Voices, Celtic Woman, etc.)Evanessence, NIN,AC/DC...getting the idea? *lol*
Breakfast Club, Pretty in Pink, Ferris Buhler's Day Off, Lord of the Rings Trilogy, Harry Potter. Way too many to list.
BBC America(DR. Who, Torchwood, Life on Mars), House, Lost, History Channel, Travel Channel, Ghost Hunters
All the Harry Potter books, Lord of the Rings Trilogy, Eragon, Eldest, Diana Gabaldon OUTLANDER series, Scottish and Irish stuff, romance. Anything to take me away for a bit.
Outlander Cast
If anyone has NOT read the Diana Gabaldon OUTLANDER series DO IT NOW!! If you have, you might be surprised to know that people on YouTube have been doing "casting" videos for the different characters in the books. Out of the 10 or so I looked at today, I feel this one matches what I kind of picture in my head. Please read the books!!
My husband, my kids, William Wallace, people that do random acts of kindness in a gloomy world. Different figures in history.