everyone that trully knows me already knows that i'm obsessed with the titanic. i'm into the whole anthropologist thing. that's cool.
my great great great great great grandparents. i think it would be cool to see the way they lived.
rock's my favorite. hawthorne heights, green day, fallout boy. my chemical romance scares me...
most of the sci-fi/horror ones. war of the worlds was ok i guess. i really liked cry wolf because it made you think. i watched critters 3 in summer 2005 and that was kind of weird (in a cool way).
i watch those stupid ghost-hunter shows. and supernatural. i looooove supernatural!
uh... not that big on reading. i like blood and chocolate. that's a good book. otherwise i read things for book reports and thats not fun.
everybody that's ever lived before me. anybody and everybody that had to live without tv, radio, heat, electricity, time etc., etc., etc...; the people of the ice ages, stone ages, prehistory, the copper age and the bronze age are the ones that brought us to where we are today. if it weren't for cavemen who first started they're track to modern life with the discovery of fire and new ways to live, none of us would have the same backgrounds, heritage, beliefs or ways.