Designer Toys, Art, Books, Pop Culture, Music, and of course, a huge customer base that shares the same!
People who are into toy collecting, modern underground art, Western and Asian pop culture, or simply curious people with an eye for really cool stuff!But we're not really picky....EVERYONE is welcome here!Alpha Cult 408 E. 1st Street, Suite 102 Long Beach, CA 90802phone..: 562-432-9144
We, of Alpha Cult, support all types of music. But our favorite stuff is reflected by what we play in the shop: Alternative/Indie Rock, 80's, and Experimental/Underground Hip-Hop.
Like music, our film interests vary. But we are certain that any movie remake of some lame TV show from decades ago automatically has our stamp of rejection on it. I mean, doesn't anyone in Corporation Hollywood bother to write original stories anymore?Aside from this, we stand-by and highly recommend heavy doses of Japanese Anime.
...umm...refer to "Movies".
We are really big fans of all the books we sell in the shop!
Anyone who dares to expose their own soul to countless thousands of strangers through an artistic medium of any form. Bravo, and keep it coming.