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The power that Made the body, Heals the body.

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Another badass quiz from eSPIN-the-Bottle...

The eSPIN Personality Test


You're not too concerned with how things are going - as long as everything's going your way.
You're what we call a "pragmatic" thinker - you're straightforward, you're interested in results, and you don't let yourself get too emotional about things. Well, you try not to get too emotional. If you're feeling blue about not being on the winning team, and it makes you wanna run to the bathroom and cry, well, sometimes people can't help that.
It's great to be a winner - but there's some truth to that old phrase, "winning isn't everything." Be a good sport and bow out of the competition every once in a while. You'll find that sometimes it's just as fun as getting the gold.

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(Can ) Father-son bond of Dick and Rick Hoyt

A glimpse of the remarkable father-son bond of Dick and Rick Hoyt, and their inspirational journey together in a triathlon and life itself. The goal of Team Hoyt is to integrate the physically challenged into everyday life. One way to accomplish this is to educate the able-bodied, making them more aware of the issues that the disabled face every day. Another is by actively helping the disabled to participate in activities that would otherwise be inaccessible to them. Team Hoyt targets both of these areas.Song: "I Can Only Imagine" by Mercy Me ------------------------------------------------- To get the full DVD,the Book, to donate or for more info visit: oQ



Photobucket Album Body by God, Rich dad Poor dad, Who moved my Cheese?

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Check out my new office.  Come in for an adjustment.
Posted by Ron on Thu, 21 Jun 2007 07:59:00 PST