Reading, singing, theater, movies, music, sleeping, cooking, eating, learning, run-on sentences, over-using the comma, affection, surfing teh internetz lolz, cats, animals in general, watching TV online, good coffee.
-People who want to change the world. -People pure of spirit and not just out for what they can get. -People with something to say. -Johnny Depp.
Everything from classical to the newest experimental music out there... although I will say this, most country does turn my head... Not that there aren't a few good country songs out there, but it almost always sounds the same to me.
American History X, The Shawshank Redemption, all the Harry Potter movies, Amelie, But I'm a Cheerleader, Anastasia, The Little Mermaid, Shrek, Shrek 2, Finding Nemo, Monsters Inc., Ice Age, Pirates of the Carribean, Freak, Sexaholix: A Love Story, Selena, Bridget Jones, Moulin Rouge, Chicago, The Truth about Cats & Dogs, Slackers, Whatever it Takes, A Walk to Remember, 40 Days and 40 Nights, Cry Baby, Saw, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, Ferris Bueller's Day Off, Mean Girls, Crash, Waiting, I'll add more as I see more.
Family Guy, [adult swim], House, anything on the Food Network (except Rachel Ray, I can't stand her), and most cartoons on Nickelodeon, and that's really all the TV I watch.
Johnny the Homicidal Maniac, Sweep, Harlequin books, Harry Potter series, Angus, Thongs and Full-Frontal Snogging and that whole series, Gossip Girls series, Dream Dictionary, Red Moon, Speak, The Chocolate War, Beyond the Chocolate War, The Da Vinci Code, Angels and Demons... and other stuff that I'll add as I read.
My mom for everything that she's had to sacrifice to keep us all in good health. My dad for listening to me ramble on about nothing in particular even though it costs him a fortune in phone bills. My older brother Matt for showing me that I can make a life for myself as long as I try. My little siblings just for being there and being cool. Penny, for believing in me when it seemed like no one else did. My Aunt Megan, for all that she's done to ensure that college life is as easy as it possibly can be. Kristen Roger, for showing me what it means to really be a best friend, and for being my own personal therapist. And Tiffany Doris, for being an awesome friend and for what she's done to help me out in the past. I may not have always seen it, but she's an awesome person and I appreciate and love her for everything she's helped me with.