In July of 1997, a debuting satellite televised program called "Ministerz of Tha Underground"
emerged from the depths of a dying art form and brought to homes across the world
underground hip hop. The television program broadcasted artists and venues in some of the
hottest underground music scenes across the United States. Ministerz of Tha Underground had
such a great impact on the youth that the program alone reached over 100,000 viewers and
won Best Hip Hop Television Show at the HHHAA Awards in Houston, Texas.
Broadcasting networks SkyAngel and TBN were also moved by Ministerz Of Tha Underground
hip hop program, its dedication to bring Underground hip hop back into the light, and the
impact it had on the youth, that both broadcasting companies decided to pick up the television
program up to be played in their TV, Satellite and Web-cast rotations.
On November 9, 1999 through the vision of the Ministerz Of Tha Underground forefathers,
Eleazar Tha Last Testament, Optix, Blackseed, and Lord Knowledge aka Lord Metatron, the
television program evolved into a higher cause forming a record label of the same title. With
the foundation of the Ministerz Of Tha Underground Records in place, a new recording group,
Secta 7, also emerged.
Ministers of the Underground Television is the brain child of the Hip Hop Television Show
"Apocalypse". In 1996 Brother Thomas, founder and CEO of KLTJ (Keep Looking to Jesus)
Channel 22, in Houston, Texas, came to the creators of the television show "Apocalypse", (the
name of the Christian hip hop group and current television show), about doing another hip
hop program which would cater to the youth. So, for two weeks, Eleazar sought the Lord about
a name for the new show that could be as deep as the "Apocalypse" one-hour hip hop show. A
couple weeks later Eleazar had a word from the Lord. Yahweh dropped the name "Ministers Of
The Underground" on him and he became vexed. Ministers of the Underground as a title for a
show was too deep and he couldn't figure out where he would be able to get underground
talent from in the Christian Hip Hop world that would be able to compete with secular artists
of that time such as Pete Rock, CL Smooth, Rakim, Raskass, and the WU Tang Clan. Being
from Chicago and now living in Houston, Eleazar felt that there was not a big enough
Christian underground hip hop scene in Houston, like it was on the East Coast or North in
order to produce a thirty minute television show that would air all year long. At this time,
Christian rap was new in its age and only a few were emceeing as underground emcees. In
Houston, there were only a few people Eleazar knew that spit underground for the Lord:
BlackSeed, Optix, Slave, Out Sider, Nuk Ruk, and of coarse his group, Apocalypse. After
Eleazar got his statistics on the Christian underground scene in Houston, he approached
Eldred Thomas with the name that the Lord had given him.
As soon as Eldred Thomas heard the name he became excited. But in the mist of his rejoicing
Eleazar became confused saying to himself, "It will be hard to do this show when there are only
a few groups here. " So then he told Eldred Thomas that he didn't think there would be enough
footage for the show with just the few groups in Houston. However, being the elder that Eldred
Thomas was, he spoke to Eleazar and said, "Yahweh would provide it for him." Shortly after
hearing that statement the Almighty did provide help in the form of another man of Yahweh
who had been seeking the Lord about connecting Christian groups from all over the planet by
way of internet to come together and assemble in one place every year. Eleazar heard about a
coming together of hip hop and R&B crews in the form of a new venue called CruVention.
So in 1997 Rehab, Blackseed and Eleazar were able to drive to there to be connected with its
founder, Jason aka Sun G. At that time Sun G had been saved for a few years and
had not heard of Apocalypse so he was reluctant about them recording his venue. However, his
wife once worked at a Christian book store and was very familiar with Apocalypse's music. So
she began to tell Sun G about them and their music and was able to influence him into at least
listening to what Eleazar had to say. Although many were working on their behalf, Sun G still
was not fully ok with them recording CruVention. Eleazar and Rehab, not able to take no for an
answer and determine to find video footage for their show drove to Atlanta anyway. Once the
two men arrived, Sun G had a change of heart because of what his wife had told him about
Apocalypse and was sold on the idea of their television show.
From that moment on, M.O.T.U. and CruVention created a partnership so strong that to this
day, no one has been able to touch the show when it comes to the diversity and dopeness of
the emcees featured there. Much to their surprise, CruVention was the next level when it came
to the diversity of Emcees. Throughout the nation, Christian underground Emcees were
coming together as one spearhead to effect the Hip Hop world for Yeshua. Happy that Yahweh
fulfilled His promise, Eleazar and Rehap were able to record and interview numerous acts for
hours and hours with no sleep in a period of four days. They went from room to room in the
hotel's bomb-rushing kats at the dinner tables, waiting for them to wake up catch them leaving
there room, hunting them down in the parking lot, just to get that raw real-tv freestyle footage
and testimonies. Not only were these groups talented but they were also deep in freestyling
and word play. Many had much depth in teaching and preaching the Word of Yahweh as well.
Groups like New Breed, Remnant Militia, Mark J, Camp Quest, Tunnel Rats, Acid Reign, Cross
Movement, Vex tha Vortex, Full Immergin, KJ-52 and Goldenchild, were first well known from
this television show and from going to CruVention. Because of Brother Thomas, Eleazar, Rehab
and Sun G along with many Hip Hop groups, the Ministers of the Underground Show was able
to win countless of countless of souls for the kingdom of Yahweh. That was almost 10 years
ago and although most people who remember CruVention and being interviewed by the
"Godfathers" of Christian Hip Hop, are older now and gone on to make families and live
their lives, we will never know how many people were able to come into the kingdom of
Yahweh until we all see each other in heaven.
Secta 7
All of the members of Secta 7 are highly developed in being an emcee and have all been in the
music realm for at least 10 years or more. In addition to advancing their lyrical skills, each
member of Secta 7 also has been brought up in their own respective influences of sound,
ranging from Jazz, Rock-n-Roll, and Classical Sounds, to Hip Hop, which all represents the true
face of the music appreciation that Hip Hop has today. With a comprehensive sound and
various styles of Hip Hop ranging from hardcore East Coast lyricism, West Coast Latin
influences, Hip Hop Techno Party Rhythm, and Dirty South flavor, to the increasing Afro-centric
Neo-soul Conscience Music; Secta 7 has it all.
This gives Secta 7 an original and creative sound that matches their art form. With a divine
message that represents the Kingdom of Israel and the God of Israel, Secta 7 uses a double
edge sword style that cuts through and challenges their listeners to dig deeper into life to
understand the times that we are currently living in. Because Hip Hop has been dead and its
spirit has been trapped in an ice age, Secta 7 was formed. Secta 7, whose members include:
Eleazar tha Last Testament, Lord Metatron, BlackSeed, Optixs, Katurah Ariel, Stress, Man of
War, O.N.E., The Final Chapter, Ms. Mystique the Lyrical Ambush, TRI, Imagiin 360, Righteous
Knight and Atom tha Immortal, all represent a common cause and ever present objective. This
objective is to represent real music through the art form of Hip Hop in order to bring forth the
resurrection of the true and living manifestation of Hip Hop, which will therefore enable Secta 7
to rise before the masses to bare witness to what truth is and bring light to the world of the
freedom, justice, and equality that truth brings.
Enter the Official Secta 7 Message Board HERE!
Secta 7
Righteouz Knight
Atom Tha Immortal
Rabbi Simcha Pearlmutter Part 1
Rabbi Simcha Pearlmutter Part 2
The Living Blood of Y'shua
Rabbi Shmuley Boteach Vs Dr, Mike Brown Part 1
Shmuley Boteach Vs Dr, Mike Brown Part 2
Dr. Mike Brown
Enter the Official Secta 7 Message Board HERE!