Arin profile picture


dont be suprised if she ask were da cash at

About Me

im 6'1 180, i have brown eyes Short hair mocha complextion. Basketball is my life

My Interests

My favorite thing to do is play basketball, I like to hang out with my friends , go to the gym, workout, Play video games, go to sporting events, listen to music.

I'd like to meet:

people who like basketball, rap and r&b music, Comedy movies, sports vidio games, poeple who have a good sense of humor


Music Video: I WONDER IF HEAVEN'S GOT A GHETTO (by Tupac Shakur)

Music Video Code provided by Video Code Zone


money talks,friday(1,2,3),Rush hour(1,2) B.A.P.S, Above the Rim,He got game,Friday night lights, Juice, dont be a menace,Hoop dreams,johnso family vacation,kings of comedy,Runteldat,longest yard,rudy,ali,coach carter,waterboy,training day,hurricane,belly,set it off, john q,glory,love&basketball,


fresh prince of belaire,goodtimes,cosby,wildnout,chappele show,1067park,rap city,the life,sports center, college gamenight, sapranos,outside the lines.


A season on the brink, they call me coach,night john,the carolina way, the life of a coach. the bluest eye, sarny


mlk, malcom x,rosa parks, harriet tubman,jackie robinson,mj,chuancy billups,my dad,