DaveY ~ the Valliant profile picture

DaveY ~ the Valliant

Space travel's in my blood and there ain't nothin' I can do about it...

About Me

I am...David. In my spare time, I like to play music, make people laugh, take long walks on the beach, and go on freedom fighting quests with my fellow warriors of justice to destroy fascist monarchies. If anyone out there shares similar hobbies, drop me a line. I also enjoy playing a good game of "corpi".

E-mail: [email protected]
AIM- discomimehunter

The Light Warriors of Justice

D Dashing
A Astronomical
V Victorious
E Elephant
Y Yams

"...the green light...the orgastic future that year by year recedes before us. It eluded us then, but that’s no matter—tomorrow we will run faster, stretch out our arms farther. . . . And then one fine morning— So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past."

I'm listening to reason!

My Interests

Guitar, Bass, Singing, Piano, Playin w/ the chums, Running, Acting, Writing, Lifeguarding, Improv, Filming Movies, and anything else that takes place on a stage and makes good memories with friends.

I'd like to meet:

Sigmund Freud and/or Zordon.


Taking Back Sunday, the Used, Angels & Airwaves, Coheed and Cambria, the Fall of Troy, Boston, the BEATLES, Jimmy Eat World, RAGE Against the Machine, the Cars, MxPx, Slick Shoes, Relient K, Jack's Mannequinn, At the Drive-In, Weezer, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Queens of the Stone Age, Boxcar Racer, Creedence Clearwater Revival, Sublime, NFG, Less Than Jake, the Beach Boys, Something Corporate, David Bowie, Queen, Incubus, Reel Big Fish, Kottonmouth Kings and of course my boys of Blink 182.
...and freakin podcasts.



Ben Stiller, Owen Wilson, and Will Ferrell always (Zoolander, Dodgeball, Starsky & Hutch, Anchorman, Wedding Crashers, Old School)...Johnny Depp movies (Pirates of the Caribbean, Edward Scissorhands, Charlie & the Chocolate Factory, Finding Neverland, Sleepy Hollow), Leo DiCaprio, Vince Vaughn, Brad Pitt, Chevy Chase, Dumb & Dumber, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: Secret of the Ooze, SEVEN, Back to the Future, Mystery Men, UNDERWORLD, Shanghai Knights, the Three Amigos, Meet the Parents, Star Wars, Smoke 'N Aces, Nightmare Before Christmas, Tommy Boy, Vacation, Spiderman trilogy, O Brother Where Art Thou, Sin City, Catch Me if You Can, Paycheck, Ocean's Eleven...


Incredible Hulk cheesy 80's version, Pee-wee's playhouse...to name a few that hold a dear special place in my heart.


Hamlet (yes cliche, but still amazing), Of Mice and Men, Great Gatsby, To Kill a Mockingbird, Heart of Darkness, Macbeth, Fahrenheit 451, Lord of the Flies, Something Wicked This Way Comes, Huckleberry Finn, which could quite possibly be the answer to the worlds problems.


Not Superman cus all he has are cheap powers and he's a douche. Johnny Depp, Huckleberry Finn, Alex de Large, Tom Delonge, Cloud Strife, Hartigan, Will Farrell, William the Bloody, PeeWee Herman, Captain Jack Sparrow, Don Qioxote, Hamlet, Demetreus, Kip, Willy Wanka, Gatsby, Siegfried, Chuck Liddell, Wesely Windon Price, Peter Parker, Brian Wilson, Kate Beckinsale (vampire version), Frank & Joe Hardy, Harry & Lloyd, Leonardo, Dopey, Aristotle, Allan Brown, Robert Downey Jr., Buffy, Faith, Cartman, Scarlet Suitor, a Sasquatch, Darek Zoolander, Tommy the Green Ranger, lil Cletus, Captain America, Cyrano de Bergerac, Chadam, the Riddler, Bert McCracken, Mr. T, Sigmund Freud, Joe Satriani, Johnny Knoxville, Henry V, Mr. Furious, Edward Scissorhands, Wolverine, Odysseus, Rob Hawkins, mimes in general, Mark Hoppus, Casey Jones, Robin Hood, Marty McFly, David from the Bible, Jack Skellington, Eminem, Johnny Bravo, Adam Lazzara, Peter Pan, Jim from the Office, Yoshi, Freddie Mercury, Hester, Jake from Animorphs, Aladdin, He-man, Darth Maul, Jesse James, Paul McCartney, Viola, Batman, Lil Vulture, Mr. Bean, Marlow, David Bowie, Peter Griffon, Zack Morris, the guy with the mullet that walks around Disneyland beatin the crap outta people, Paralyzed Guy, Vincent Valentine, General Porkus, and Brent Kietzke with black hair and a black goatee if you know what I mean...
Green Ranger
You are the Green Ranger, you are Tommy. Your weapon is the dragon dagger. You are a natural-born leader of the pack and you yield the power of the mighty Dragonzord!
Kip Dynamite
Which Napoleon Dynamite character are you?
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Which Family Guy character are you?
Mr. Furious
Eric Cartman
Cloud Strife
What Final Fantasy VII character are you?
You are RENO. Yeah, admit it, you're a smart-ass.
Take this quiz !
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You are Spiderman!
Using your powers in a responsible way to defend
your loved ones, you swing above the streets of
your city, doing your best to bring down the
bad guys. Although you never get as much credit
as you deserve, you know it is your duty to
bring justice to a crime-stricken town. You are
a natural-born leader and fight in a
speedy-like fasion with good reflexes. You are
protective of your loved ones and are
determined, but also have a sense of humor.
Your reputation is known and many other heroes
have confidence in seeking your aid.
Which Marvel Superhero are you?
This quiz was made by Dave: [email protected] .
You are TOM!!! You are blink-182's guitar GOD! You
are sexy and cute, you're funny, you're sweet,
you're obssessed with ALIENS, and you LOVE
BOOBIES! I love Tom the most!
What member of blink-182 are YOU???
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Splash Mountain: Everybody's got a laughing place
to go-go-go-woah! You are a romp through folk
lore from the old south, a cheery log ride that
is always pleasant despite such unfortunate
circumstances like a five story drop into a
briar patch that proves to be more fun than
scary. You are casual, friend, warm, and
inviting, if a little reckless, it's always a
zip-ee-dee-do-dah day for you even when you get
yourself into some mighty steep trouble. What
movie you sprung from, Disney doesn't like to
tell, some consider it racist, but never you
mind, the critters inside of you (previously
stars of 'America Sings') are always cute and
you are just here to have a good time. You
love the camera and you live life to your
fullest, your thinking is that if 'you WILL get
wet' you might as well sieze the day!
What Disneyland attraction are you?
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