Jesus, Family, Friends, George W. Bush, playing Music, writing music, listening to music, kids, Skip-Bo, Hair, Church (, Sequence, dates with my wife, this gosh-foresaken-my space nonsense, hangin' out with my son, kid's cerial (Apple Jacks rule!), Phase 10, concerts, movies, & Coke-Zero mixed with milk (non-fat of course)Ew, & when I'm not boycotting Starbucks - I'll take a quad grande, sugar-free vanilla, non-fat, three Spenda Latte'.
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I'd like to meet:
Jesus in person, Bob Halligan Jr, Ann Coulter, and Paul McCartney.
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Growing up, my influences were: Kiss, Elvis, Van Halen (Diamond Dave era ofcourse), Jimi Hendrix, Li Prins, The Doors, Deep Purple, Darrell Mansfield, Arrow, The Altar Boys, Doug Morris, The Bee Gees, Stryper, The Alarm, Journey, Foreigner, Cream, Styx, Steve Miller Band, Queen, Scorpians, and a whole lot more. Nowadays, I'm inspired by: Ceili Rain (best unheard of band in the world!), U2, Robert McLemore, Shinedown, Curtis Benson, The Afters, Jeremy Camp, Plumb, Dave Barnes, The Violet Burning, The Elms, Jennifer Knapp, Flemming and John, Then Comes Friday, Playdoe, Tree 63, The Ben McClish Band, Tobey Barker, and a whole lot more...
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The Passion of the Christ, Willie Wonka, Dumb and Dumber, The Fugitive, "Click", Napolean Dynamite, and Three O'Clock High.
Saturday Monrings from the 70's and early 80's: HR Puff and Stuff, Dr. Shrinker, Shazam, etc....Today: Extreme Make Over (Home Edition), House, Amerian Idol (THERE, I addmitted it!) FOX News, Rockstar, VH1 Classic. I try to avoid most reality shows... And, when I'm in touch with my feminine side and my wife makes me: Grey's Anatomy.
Left Behind Series (LaHaye & Jenkins), Your Best Life Now (Joel Osteen), Every Man's Battle (Stephen Arterburn), Wild at Heart (John Eldridge), Purpose Driven Life (Rick Warren), The Narrow Road (Brother Andrew), The Church of Liberalism - Godless (Ann Coulter), Michael Moore is a Big Fat Stupid White Man (David T. Hardy & Jason Clarke)
Heroes are those you look up to. Someone who's made a difference in your life, who loved you even when you were unloveable, who inspire you to be better. Mine are: Jesus, My Dad, Butch Pelaia, Curtis Benson, both my brothers, my wife, and Pastor Chuck Warnock.