I like to read Chick Lit. I like doing crafty things like sewing, crocheting and cross stitching. I like to watch TV. Most of the TV I watch somewhere includes a man that I think is handsome. I'm sad that way. I like the internet. I really like magazines. I love to wander around the library. I love my garden. I think Barbies are cool. I love to play with my daughter. I like to lounge around the house and watch re-runs of old TV shows. I like to shop a LOT. I love shoes and purses. But, and I need to make this totally clear, not ugly purses.
I really just like a huge variety of music. I don't like the same stuff over and over. I like country, I like old rock, I like some pop music. Give me some 80's tunes, Faith Hill, Dixie Chicks and Kenny Chesney and I'm a happy camper. Did I mention I once touched Kenny Chesney's knee?
Sappy romances. Hope Floats, Steel Magnolias, Pretty Woman. Anything where the girl gets her guy. In Her Shoes is a new favorite of mine. It makes me cry because I know without my sister I really don't make sense.
I am a sucker for anything or anyone who can really make me laugh. "Jackass" and Jackass 2" are 2 of the most hysterical movies I have seen in a long time. American Pie 1 and 2. Dude, Where's my Car. The Ringer. Even the Dukes of Hazzard mainly because I still long to be a Duke.
Cheesy horror films and weird movies. Halloween is hands down my favorite of all time. Followed by Nightmare on Elm Street. The Good Girl which isn't a horror movie but might fall in the weird category. Donnie Darko.
My movie viewing goes in waves and moods. And if there is a hot guy anywhere in it I'm so there.
25 years ago I would have been arguing over whether I wanted to be Bo, Luke or Daisy Duke. These days I'm into Dirty Jobs, Law and Order: SVU and CI.
Things that make me laugh. Jackass, Golden Girls (Boy that's one extreme to the other huh?), Ellen.
I read chick lit. Silly little books about some single girls crazy life. My newest favorite author, you can find her in my friends under Carol Snow, she rocks. In less than one week I have read both of her books and let me tell you, they kick ass. So run, do not walk, to your nearest bookstore and purchase "Getting Warmer" and "Been There, Done That" by her. You'll thank me! GO! Quit reading and buy her books already.
My sister. I once was and probably always will be the little sister from hell but I look up to her and admire her. She is the best sister you could ever had. And to repeat the line from "In Her Shoes".. "Without her, I don't make sense".