RommeyV profile picture



About Me

You can say im just a typical guy who just loves sports. My goal is to be someone remembered for being who I am. Anything else is up to you to find out.

My Interests

Final Fantasy Fanatic...Online gamer geek (City of Heroes) - Reading...yes we do read...sometimes...Loyal fan to my teams here (Mariners, Sonics, Seahawks, Huskies, Storm, and hopefully a hockey team sometime in the near future)...Playing football, softball, basketball, volleyball, pool

I'd like to meet:

Edgar Martinez and Detlef Schrempf


Can't really say what my main preference is...


"Field of Dreams" "Serendipity" "For the Love of the Game" "The Terminal" "Four Brothers" "Talladega Nights"


Da Da Da...Da Da Da...Sportcenter is next!! Smallville, Who's Line, Family Guy and them old school shows like Family Matters, Fresh Prince of Bel-air, Saved by the Bell and Perfect Strangers.


Harry Potter books, Dan Brown books, and ill admit to Nicholas Sparks books...oh and books that involve Ghosts..haha


Edgar Martinez and Detlef Schrempf