I'm honest, you can read it here!
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Hi, I'm Alex. I sing for Racing Kites
Check our music out--- RK
I'm a very shy boy, approach me!
Music is my oxygen
I text message way too much, I can honestly say I'm addicted
My Blackberry is always by my side
I love Sara Bareilles but she doesn't know
Lucky is my favorite jean company
Anything American Apparel, H&M, and Triple Five Soul
I love Poptarts so bring some to a show and I'll love you forever!
Love me for who I am not because I'm in a band
I don't make a lot of money but I love what I do
My guitars are everything to me, we make music together
The boys I write and play music with are my brothers
Closely knit with my family and friends, I consider myself very fortunate.
I often ask my mom for advice. Yes, I'm a momma's boy, she never lets me down
I enjoy being on the road, counting the miles, missing home, seeing the country
I love pop music
A good conversation is hard to find
I've been hurt emotionally and I've hurt others
This world is filled with sadness, If we all try and make a difference it adds up
Admitting you're imperfect is beautiful
The word "Hope" is full of light
I absolutely love meeting new people so get to know me!
You can bother me through email: [email protected] or
Please get involved and make a difference:
Invisible Children