I'm interested in being interested. only things that are interesting. I hate Kathy Griffith. especially her hair.
Howard Zinn, William Shatner, Tom Dowd, William H. Macy, Barrack Obama, Luis Guzman, Patrick Stewart, long live Lloyd Bridges, Yoda, and your mom.
and on and on and on....
and any other group/artist that has created a new sound, which means a lot of great artists
star wars saga (all of them), I
well you know the usual Seinfeld, Simpsons, Family Guy, Futurama, LOST, ROME, Battlestar Galactica (new series, Fuck yeah!), Planet Earth, Daily Show/Colbert report, history channel, learning channel. try not to watch too much boob tube though. I'd like to think I have better things to do
I'm big into controversial history books, like Peoples History of United States by Howard Zinn; The Lies My Teacher Told Me by James Lowen; "9/11" by Noam Chompsky; ideas and opinions (notes and letters from Albert Einstein); and also books that release creativity and wonder in me... currently reading "Running with Scissors" by Augustine Burroughs
Albert Einstein Martin Luther King, Jr. Howard Zinn Jack Johnson (the boxer) My Mom, Dad, and brother and his wife, Amy. I am also a hero however, everyone is capable of heroic actions and words. It happens everyday. therefore everyone is a hero sometimes.