Thomas profile picture


I can help you change tierd moments into pleasure,

About Me

I am usually a person at peace with himself and the world, but latley i have grow to be a bitter pessimist and a angry sociopath. Living hear in Los Angeles has begun to slowly suffocate me. I am a native New Yorker. And the difference is night and day. In Brooklyn I knew what to expect. everyone there has no problem letting you know what's on ther mind. In LA the people are so phoney and full of shit. And my experience with the women here has got me thinking seriously about homosexuality or celobesy. And for a horny sexual pervert like myself that's a damn shame. The women here are amongst the most shallow, self centered, egotistical,materialistic, narcisistic, scumbags. Now ladies don't get excited i didn't say all of you. It has been my fucked up luck. But I digress and try again, what else can i do, a man can only masturbate so many times. lol But seriously i am a spontaneous adventurer who has a unhealthy liking for danger. It kinda finds me no matter what i'm doing. I love music especially fucking tool and A Perfect Circle. I love Maynard he always seems to know what i'm feeling and really knows how to express it. I Feel it and that is lifes biggest pleasure. TO FEEL THE MUSIC. I also like to laugh and make people laugh. Yes i have a great sense of humor. And don't let me smoke any chronic. I am a hopeless romantic ladies. And if you want someone to worship you all you got to do is be honest and be real. NO FUCKING HEAD GAMES PLEASE. I'm a man and i have nothing but love and respect and i treat women like they deserve to be treated. Even if the Bitch is a fucking Trifling Skank

My Interests

SEX, Music, movies drinking, Bungee jumping on acid, SWEET. Concerts, Writing music and poetry. I also Love to perform music live. I love the way it makes me feel. And i will try anything once. Reapeatedly if i like it

I'd like to meet:

I would like to meet some women who have pride and integrity enough to be honest and real. I hate developing my feelings and letting people close to me to be hurt, disrespected, and lied to. Please have a sense of humor be spontaneous adventurous, don't be so serious. Life is never that serious. And i would love to find someone sexually uninhibited and will try anything once and is very open minded. I have a high SEX Drive, " It's a gift " and well i'm capable of coming up with new and exciting things to do in the bedroom, or the car, the hood of the neighbor's Lexus. lol You'll just have to write. A wise man once told me " be real or don't be at all " How profound is that. Much Peace, Much Love


TOOL, A Perfect Circle. Maynard has me feeling it. Korn, Suicidal Tendencies. Oh yeah Concrete Blonde, Annie Lennox, Lenny Kravitz, NOFX, Snot, Marilyn Manson, Tupac, Biggie Smalls. I like it all. Music is a gift. and as long as you can feel it moving accross your skin touching your soul and enriching your life as it does for me. Life can't get much better than that


I like anything that has a good story. There's not to many i don't like, it has to be really bad in order for me not to sit through it. lol


SPORTS ONLY. Television is the Devil. Here to turn your mind to mush.


Anything by Stephen King, Dean Koontz, Patrica Cornwell, And john Grisham


New York City Police and Fire Departments, Mayor Guliani. And my Farther R.I.P