People call be lots of things, predominantly nice a small list will now follow. Jim, James, Big Jim, Papabear, JimJam, Jimmy, M.C. Lean, The kid from Battleska Galactica. I'm pretty much a full time musician (when i'm not delivering pizza's). I play in Battleska Galactica They're awesome i love them all. I have also just started playing bits and pieces for Brace For Nightfall . I was Drumming for Barrier Dutch . But we didn't quite get on musically so we decided to go our seperate ways!:D But they're still wicked guys.
I am a NERD. But you're gonna have to live with that.
I am also a Techno-Geek You're gonna have to live with that too.
If you don't beleive the previous statements. I will list everything i've watched that makes me nerd-a-licious. but only on request! I love my friends. so much so i've seen most of their penis'. At least, i've seen they're nut sack.
I like to drive so much so i spend 80% of my money on petrol. My car is called Hogan, Short for Hogana. she is full of mystical items.....even i'm surprised most of the time. She also has the phatest sound system ever to be put in a 1990 Honda Civic (family version), and that, is a fact. I go to the University of Brighton On the hastings campus. I'm Studying Broadcast media. I love the Course and everyone on the course...well nearly everyone... I don't have much else to say so hit me back.
The Funky 8
Gizmo Thomson
Matt "the Gay" Pearce
Math-you "Flounder" Dray
Edd Homo Blakeley
Andrew "Hobbit" Lee
Carl "The Bear" Welch
Lewis "Roadie to the max" Butler
And now some inspirational words by the infamous Matt Dray.