my band and music as a whole ,my bro's, horror films,skateboarding
people that come to known enemy shows
XYZ entertainment myspace
'I rock every thing from metal to hardcore to punk to industrial to rockabilly im basically a music junkie'but my top ten influences are social distortion,sickof it all,slayer ,anything danzig has done be it the misfits samhain or his solo shit ,ministry ,neurosis,pro-pain,bio-hazard,maddball,and johnny fuckin cashWho wants a Known Enemy shirt? Bitches.
one of my favorite bands to play with
horror in genral,night of the living dead ,the exorcist, texas chainsaw masacare ,
i fuckin h8 tv
any thing that makes you really stop and think about shit
any one who does what they feel is right regardless of what they are told