Grappling, boxing/kickboxing, hiking, beach-bummin', powerlifting (check out my lifting videos linked up top), philosophy, art, literature, ancient civilizations, wildlife, theoretical physics, astronomy, Egyptology, theological discourse, The Constitution and how we've butchered it, life in general.
These guys:
Pink Floyd, Live, AIC, RATM, Audioslave, Al Green, Steve Vai, U2, classical and modern composers (Sergei Rachmaninoff, Tchaikovsky, Hanz Zimmer, Vivaldi, Schubert, Orff etc.), Mos Def, Can-I-Bus, and last but certainly not least, Timmy Morrison , the best musician I personally know, a great friend, and an adequate so-so grappler.
Braveheart, Last Samurai, Pulp Fiction, The Departed, Gladiator, Fight Club, Hero, Snatch, L4yer Cake, Lock-Stock', and the like.
The Shield, Deadliest Catch, Ringside (Teddy Atlas, you're a champion of the sport), ATHF, old Simpsons, Planet Earth, Explorer, Nova, and pretty much anything on Discovery, Discovery Science, and National Geographic channels.
Watership Down, The End of Faith, Bushwhacked, Angels and Demons, Da Vinci Code, A Brief History of Time, The Elegant Universe, Hyperspace, Dante's Inferno, any Gracie grappling book, The Martial Way, Einstein's Relativity, Faster than the Speed of Light, Fingerprints of the Gods, The Sign and the Seal, The Message of the Sphinx, Braveheart (yes, it is a book, too)...
My family will always be my heroes.