it used to be i red a lot, but college has drained my color... now, i mostly enjoy sleeping, although that is not quite an interest... how about bob sledding? anyone up for a run?Oh and Fishing, Tennis, watching the Browns (this year is making up for the previous)... being out on a boat (so damn peaceful)...
no one and everyone... coincidences seem to arrange all the meetings i need...
i think i'm about to go on a classics binge, particularly wagner...
i will definitely watch the browns... i will try to watch 30 rock, house, and the office... not having cable, happily, reduces the amount of couch time... dvd seriesed - arrested development, curb your enthusiasm, lost, seinfeld, south park...
Adams, Albee, Bradbury, Bukowski, Burgess, Burroughs, Faulkner, Heinlein, Heller, Hemmingway, Hesse, Huxley, Joyce, Kafka, Kesey, Kerouac, Orwell, Pynchon, Salinger, Steinbeck, Voltaire, Vonnegut
John Banner, belovedly known as Sgt. Schultz of Hogan's Heroes, who proved that a elderly husky man with only a single catch-phrase, "I know nothing! Nothing!", can outshine a cast of many stars.