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People who aren't assholes. Kinda hard to do here in the Garden State. (I think it's something in the water) Somebody PLEASE prove me wrong!One last thing... don't ask me to add you as a friend unless you actually plan to contact me once in a while because I don't want to be one of those people who has a million people on their list just to look cool or whatever the motivation is. If you have a million people on your list and actually do keep in touch with them, good for you. That's super. If you're always thinking about the future, then you kinda forget about the present.
"Now you will receive us. We do not ask for your poor or your hungry. We do not want your tired and sick. It is your corrupt we claim. It is your evil that will be saught by us. With every breath we shall hunt them down. Each day we will spill their blood 'til it rains down from the skies. Do not kill, do not rape, to not steal. These are principles, which every man of every faith can embrace. These are not polite suggestions, these are codes of behavior and those of you that ignore them will pay the dearest cost. There are varying degrees of evil. We urge you lesser forms of filth not to push the bounds and cross over into true corruption, into our domain. But if you do, one day you will look behind you and you will see we three, and on that day, you will reap it. And we will send you to whatever god you wish. And shepherds we shall be, for thee my Lord for thee, power hath descended forthfrom thy hand, that our feet may swiftly carry out thy command. We shall flow a river forth to thee, and teeming with souls shall it ever be. In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti."
I'm still pissed that they took THE TICK off the air. (The cartoon not the one with Putty) SPOON!
Other than that...Entourage is about the only thing worth watching.
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A Salty Piece of Land, Tales From Margaritaville, Where's Joe Merchant, Following The Equator (Yes, I really DID read it!), Anything by Dean Koontz or Ann Rice.------------------------------------------------------- -- Be good and you will be lonely. - Mark Twain
Those who take it to the limit and aren't afraid to run with the ball.
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